Josiah K.
Sales & Marketing Operations Coordinator at Waterfield Technologies

What are some tips for hosting webinars outside of Zoom?

Using Zoom seems like everyone’s go-to for webinars but it’s lack of integration makes for busy work when creating meetings
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If you have budget, my advice would be to find an AV Production company who has been doing Webinars. They will be able to elevate your webinar from a production stand point and guide you to the right platform / tools. I talk to clients about different platforms that will fit their needs, but ultimately the platform is just a tool and no platform is a one stop shop. One option is to live stream the webinar through Vimeo which allows you to run a live stream, have live comments, questions, and polls through a chatbox feature. Bizzabo is a high end option that is used for live and virtual conferences. They have a cool tool / feature called "Bizzabo Live" which allows you to share content, add additional people to the feed, field comments, setup quizzes and polls, and more. Another thing to consider is pre-recording content. Live webinars are great, but not always polished and professional. Having a super polished webinar typically happens by pre-recording speeches and streaming the content after editing has taken place. You can switch to a live panel or Q&A forum after streaming the speeches by transitioning from the pre-recorded video to a live camera feed. Other tools in the Zoom Webinar space are Go-To-Meeting (Go-To-Webinar), WebEx, Twitch, Microsoft Teams, and Adobe Connect.
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