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How can Gravity Forms be used for vacation rental websites, other booking form solutions?

We sometimes need to create basic booking calendar inquiry forms for clients (e.g. for vacation rental websites, hotels, etc). How can we best utilize Gravity Forms in this capacity? Is it possible to connect Gravity Forms to a calendar that has basic yes/no availability for different rooms? For example, a room is selected from a dropdown, then a calendar updates with availability for that room. The rooms could be custom post types and the availabilities could be custom fields.
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I would think if you couple Gravity forms with a Wordpress Custom Post Type (CPT), you could achieve this quite easily. That way Gravity does all the tricky form stuff like validating user input etc then you generate a new record for your CPT. For more sophisticated applications, you could also couple it with other plugins for example we've just finished using Gravity Forms as the front-end to a conference room booking solution we build for a customer. Gravity will pop a credit card form if the person booking is a visitor or not if they are a current logged in user. We then populate the calendar booking with Gravity's form entry.
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