Get Item call using SBM 11.5 Orchestration

i am using SBM 11.5. i need to get the field value of an item(ex: title field) using SBM Orchestration through Get Item call. could you please help us on how to get the particular("title") field value.
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David S.
Digital Customer Advocacy Manager, OpenText
Hello Suganya, I've spoken with Steven Healy in Micro Focus Customer Care. It is hard to know exactly what you are asking from the information provided. It looks to us as if you are not sure how to save or see the exact data needed from the web service call. This requires a 'Calculated Step'. There is a section in the SBM Orchestration Guide that has full instructions for working with a 'Calculated Step' called "Using the Calculate Step". This step type will allow you to save the data from the field of the item retrieved from a 'GetItem' web service call to a 'working data' variable with the Orchestration. Once the data is in a working variable it is available at any time in any step further into the flow of the Orchestration. We would need to know more about what you are trying to do with the orchestration to give more detailed instructions. Do reach out to our support team via You can also investigate the documentation and user community via All the best David Shephard
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