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Guillermo S.
Architect at Van Meter Williams Pollack

How can I change a pattern from model to drafting?

I that's even possible, otherwise why is there two categories and when do you think is useful that the alignment of the texture follows the camera angle?
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Associate BIM Director
Patterns for Revit, like AutoCAD, are managed in a .PAT file. Before editing your Patterns, I strongly suggest making a copy of the file that comes with the install, so that you have the original to reference. There are definitions and descriptions of how to the patterns work. In those directions and definitions it says: ; ;%TYPE=DRAFTING or ; ;%TYPE=MODEL ; ; If neither directive is present, Revit assumes that it is a drafting pattern. There is also descriptions relative to scale, size, spacing, etc. You can edit the PAT file, save, and then reference the new pattern file when creating a New Custom pattern in your Revit project. There are also different add-ons and scripts available online to create custom patterns also.
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