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Howard F.
Owner, Forder Technical Services Inc. and Information Technology and Services Consultant

How do I get our Treasurer to use ClubExpress to feed QuickBooks instead of invoicing from QB?

Members of our club want to renew online from the clubexpress website, and we do have a merchant account for doing so. But our treasurer is still invoicing from quickbooks and won't even pull reports from the website. In fact, he said to stop using a website merchant and only use quickbooks. Shall I look for another accountant who is willing to use ClubExpress as the source database?
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Immediate Past President
Yes, I've got an entrenched Treasurer who does not want to integrate ClubExpress with Quickbooks. I found a new volunteer who is willing to be Treasurer (perhaps our most difficult role) and will implement new processes and integrate the two systems. Renewing online is SO much easier for our members - using PayPal, debit or credit cards! For the good of your members, you may need to encourage a personnel change. ClubExpress is our source database.
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