George T.
Graphic Designer at Upwork and Fiverr

Why is only south Africa selected among other countries in Africa that can sign up for this software

I tried registering my place of residence, only 26 countries were listed, and i couldn't find my country or close by countries to me,
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Jasmine L.
Senior Market Research Analyst at G2, specializes in HealthTech, MedTech, AgTech, Property Tech, the construction sector
Hi George. Thank you for asking this question. My name is Jasmine and I'm a Research Analyst at G2. One of my areas of research expertise is agriculture. You are correct that South Africa is the only country in Africa that appears on the drop-down button. That's because there's a specific version of the product that is tailored to the South African agricultural business landscape ( I recommend reaching out to HERDMASTER's international agents, so that they can clarify the support of other African countries on their platform. You can access their contact information on this page: I hope this answer helped. Thank you again for asking the question. Best,
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