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Jyotish Ranjan D.
Project Fellow at Wildlife Institute of India

How do i use ArcGIS Geoevent in the area of wildlife management ? I would be very happy to know that

As a GIS analyst in our company, we do basically wildlife researches through GIS approach. With the upbringing of ArcGIS GeoServer, we are looking forward to working in real-time.
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Bhaskar S.
Software Developer at Motifworks
Geoevent server provide capability to track live geo-events and that is the key to use it in wildlife management area. First and foremost your organization should tag wildlife with GPS tags, so that you can get live feeds. Once you start getting those feed in your database you can use geo-event connector to get them showing on maps. Next step would be archiving ans seeing historic records so that you can understand a pattern and make some useful finding. You can understand migration of wild life and ecological changes in respect of weather and human activities. Going far beyond the scope you can use big data analysis on the gathered data and predict the future. There are multiple python based AI engine which you can use to answer some of the future forecasting question. Hope this satisfy you need.
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