when you are recording a scenario, there is only the possibility to record one screen. the other screens are neglected and are not shown in the script.
So basically we are reseller of panaya product so we want more to lear all about it.
We arr implementing panaya in our client we are the local support of it
Is it possible to automate JAVA IDE build and run process using Zephyr scale in JIRA. If so Which IDE to be used.
Please mention the step or provide a link
Trying to do something simple like import test case steps from a .csv is not so easy. You can import a suite but that is not ideal. Trying to duplicate cases can be tedious, let's say you have a lot of cases, trying to copy paste them in to various projects is a lot of hassle, it is surprising... Mehr erfahren
i want to request and it would be great if we get the option in codebeamer to highlighting exact requirements in a different project. This will help to reduce time on review only, which is new.
1. Es posible que al reporta un bugs en un TestRun, este automáticamente queden enlazado con los TestRun donde se reporto, actualmente debemos enlazar las incidencias manualmente.
2. Existe alguna métrica que me permita realizar el conteo de las veces que se devuelve una incidencia tipo bug a... Mehr erfahren
We have multiple data migration options for your team. Whether it's self serve or something that we can do as a service, we have you covered. Be sure to talk with a sales associate about your options.
So basically we are reseller of panaya product so we want more to lear all about it.
We arr implementing panaya in our client we are the local support of it
Im looking for an API option that let me create Reports on demand, like as soon as I finish my Test Run I would love to have some Reports automated with the pie charts that TestRail offers.
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