Wish to log on to Kissflow without getting online or the use of Data bundles, for instance when you urgently need to process the Kissflow then you realize that you are out of Data bundles and you don't have any other way out it means that you will have to keep hold of the Kissflow until you are... Mehr erfahren
One of my teams that uses Promapp are required to use the tool in the moment. So they will be on the phone and need to quickly click through to find information and it often struggles to keep up with them.
I mean that the new technology will implement or functions that can change in addition that external libraries are going to put in since it would be very useful to put more tools while predetermined in the tool
Does process maker have an integration with Google Docs (spreadsheet in particular)? We would like to automatically insert the data filled in the dynaform in a Google spreadsheet or an Excel spreadsheet
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