I'd like to hear about what are Optimizely's plans ahead. I'd want to know what they are bringing to the table in their upcoming releases to understand the new features and their utilization at the earliest. And Release notes help us to understand what was the plan for a specific release.
AWS Certifications allows cloud professionals to learn about all of the 175 services in an in-depth and streamlined manner. They are rigorous and evaluate all learning skills relevant to the platform before providing candidates with validation through their certificates.
certifications are a... Mehr erfahren
It looks like you can't directly overwrite a configuration file generated by nix, and you have to configure it through nix. I have been using linux for a pretty long time now and, to me, NixOS is an excellent concept because I think it solves a problem that not many people have. How often people... Mehr erfahren
I'm curious how much time you spend on maintaining CloudBees - when it comes to updates/upgrades, infrastructure and security updates, what's your infrastructure cost (considering the size of the solution you have implemented).
We have a CJOC where all the build agents are ephemeral & dockerized.
We run all the builds on these docker containers whose base image is Amazon Linux.
We use Kaniko pipeline to build new dockerless docker images on these containerized build agents.
I want to scan these images built by... Mehr erfahren
The shared libraries we create is mostly a single call() function in each groovy file but there are some projects which use multiple helper functions in the same groovy file.
We often face agent disconnections, which are causing a lot of builds to fail. These happen for both on-prem and cloud (AWS) agents. Any help in optimizing network connections and reducing disconnections will be really appreciated.
Some organizations use multiple aws accounts. Egs: Prod, Test, Develop. The AWS plugins should be able to authenticate more than one account at a time.
We deployed this on Kubernetes, and I believe this is the write approach for Jenkins in general. You can define the container and image and start versioning your build environment. The slaves are pods, they are created, the do their jenkins thing, and then they go away. This makes this totally... Mehr erfahren
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I would like to have a Jenkins cluster configuration (with all plugin details & more) checked into git as code and a click of button should bring up the cluster. What are the options?
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