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Chloe D.
Chloe D.
Retail Communications Manager at Rally House
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Streamline communication and tasks from HQ to Fields in a few easy steps!

Having all HQ teams streamline their communication and tasks from HQ to field teams couldn't be easier with business partner publishing. This elivates workload from the Communications team and allows other HQ teams to be apart of impacting the store level. Having a "gatekeeper" to make sure that all communications and tasks flow seamlessly to the field is essential. Assessments and surveys allow us to take forms that HQ was making field teams and leaders complete in an EPR system and put them into Zipline. Setting and forgetting your reoccuring communications is top notch. Need the same loss prevention message to go out every Novemeber and December? You can do that in minutes for the next 5 years!
Mike C.
Mike C.
Experienced, passionate, people-focused leader.
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Übersetzt mit KI

Dies. Ändert. Alles.

Ich habe kürzlich begonnen, Zipline zu verwenden, um die Kommunikation mit unseren Filialmitarbeitern zu optimieren, und bin von der Leistung sehr beeindruckt. Diese Plattform hat für unser Team alles verändert, da es unglaublich einfach ist, Nachrichten, Updates und wichtige Informationen/Daten/Nachrichten/Berichte an alle Mitarbeiter gleichzeitig zu senden. Die benutzerfreundliche Oberfläche und die robusten Funktionen haben unsere Kommunikation effizienter und effektiver gemacht. Zipline hat unseren internen Kommunikationsprozess definitiv nahtlos und problemlos gemacht. Ich empfehle diese Software jedem Einzelhändler, der seine Mitarbeiterkommunikation vereinfachen und verbessern möchte - selbst wenn Sie nur ein Geschäft haben! Die Zusammenarbeit mit dem Zipline-Team war eine fantastische Erfahrung. Sie sind unglaublich reaktionsschnell auf unsere Bedürfnisse und liefern konsequent hochwertigen Support. Die Liebe zum Detail und das Engagement des Teams, ein konsistentes Benutzererlebnis zu bieten, sind wirklich beeindruckend. Es ist klar, dass sie sich der kontinuierlichen Verbesserung des Produkts verschrieben haben, und wir sind begeistert von den neuen Funktionen, die eingeführt wurden. Ich bin ein begeisterter Fan.
Kristin P.
Kristin P.
Visual Merchandising and Branding Strategist | Multi-Unit Project Manager | Employee Engagement & Talent Development Leader
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Zipline has been a game-changer for our organization.

Their unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction and the user-friendly nature of their product have made a significant impact on our operations. By streamlining communications and centralizing resources, Retail Zipline has drastically reduced the time our team spends searching for information. This efficiency keeps our retail teams well-informed, aligned with our brand, and highly engaged. I wish I had this product when I was working in stores in the past. Other retailers should definitely consider adopting Retail Zipline to enhance productivity and teamwork. Highly recommended!



HQ Location:
San Francisco, California



What is Zipline?

For far too long, retail brands have struggled with disconnects between headquarters and frontline teams. In fact, only 9% of HQ directives are executed correctly by stores. All these disconnects impact customer experience, sales, and brand sentiment. Zipline overcomes this by giving everyone a way to “see more, connect more, do more.” That’s why so many of the world’s leading brands rely on Zipline to achieve next-day store execution rates of over 90% across their fleet. With an NPS score of 90 and the highest adoption rates in the industry, Zipline isn’t just store operations’ most loved product; it’s also the favorite of store teams.
