I've always had a hard time sharing large files to my client especially when I have tons of pictures and videos. I always had send them separately. However thanks to wetransfer I'm able to send all of my large files in one email
Sie können Dateien kostenlos senden, und das sehr einfach. Die Benutzeroberfläche ist sauber und bietet eine gute Benutzererfahrung. Und ja, natürlich die Reihe von Erinnerungen, die man erhält, wenn der Link kurz vor dem Ablauf steht.
What I like best about WeTransfer is the simplicity of the application. Simply upload the files, select who the file should be sent to, enter your email address, and enter a message for the recipient. WeTransfer is a straight forward application that allows you to easily transfer files. It's so simple, and it's free.
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WillemFenengastraat 19, Amsterdam
What is WeTransfer?
A set of beautifully obvious tools to keep your ideas moving. Founded in 2009, our team is based in the Netherlands and the US.
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