Performing identity verification on our users is a must in our company. Vouched has helped us to streamline our registration process, saving time and $. Not to mention that IDV helps reduce the risk of performing IDV ourselves.
I can't speak to the ease of integration, but our lead developer who deals with the Vouched team has mentioned they are responsive. I agree with this - support ticket responses are helpful, professional, and timely. They also check in with us from time to time to see how we're doing - check-in meetings, sessions to provide an overview of their dashboard, etc. They seem to genuinely care about providing the best solution and service. They make continuous improvements to their app and API.
I don't have experience with other IDV solutions, but for our company's needs, Vouched fits the bill. We have clients that are large and small organizations so our IDV need volume fluctuates, but the experience has been smooth with them.
G K.
Bestätigter Bewerter
Bewertungsquelle: G2-Einladung im Namen des Verkäufers
We've used Vouched for almost 5 years now at BettorEdge and it's saved us a ton of time while making a smooth onboarding experience for our community of sports fans.
Recently, we expanded our product offering across web app, iOS app, and desktop versions. Vouched's tech stack was great for all three environments and a breeze to get implemented.
Their customer support has always been very helpful when we need it.
Doug H.
President at Crown Equipment Rental Co. Inc.
Bestätigter Bewerter
Bewertungsquelle: G2-Einladung im Namen des Verkäufers
It was very easy to get set up and start using. We practiced in house with many of our employees to understand how the process would work for our customers. It was very intuitive for the customers to navigate and the results were fed back to us almost immediatly. The customer support has been great when we had questions. I have recommended this product to others in the rental Industry.
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What is Vouched?
Expertly identify anyone, anywhere to unlock access to life’s most critical services.
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