Ich liebte, wie wir den Zähler-Kassen-Prozess automatisierten und wie einfach wir neue Wasser- und Strompreispakete einführen. Die Software ist hochflexibel, anpassbar an unsere spezifischen Bedürfnisse und kosteneffektiv.
It's a cloud-native solution, which gave us an option to install and use it on-premise. It supports protocols such as radius, diameter, and 5g http/2. We configured prepaid and postpaid customers in the platform: We do real-time rating for both types. The platform also offers an offline rating. We seamlessly integrate the platform with payment gateways, CRM, and ERP app.
Excellent for any subscription business . I like how the pricing from plans, bundles, products
with discounts, and contracts could be configured. They have well documented REST APIs.
The integration via the REST APIs was straightforward. Very easy to set up credit card
processing through Braintree.
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