Being able to see the data and reports for each individual STAMP assessment. Also, have the account manager dashboard that’ll show me all of the data aggregated so its very easy to see how well our accounts are doing. The assessments metrics are simplified so anybody can understand the meaning of the outcome from the reports. Also, there are a handful of different reports we can run which gives us transparency into these accounts. It’s helping us get a better understanding of how each of our big accounts are doing.
Wir erhalten die Antworten, die wir benötigen, um sicherzustellen, dass unsere Kunden die bestmögliche Unterstützung erhalten. Die Einrichtung der Bewertung ist sehr einfach. Kontakte hinzuzufügen und die E-Mail-Kampagnen zu erstellen, ist ebenfalls sehr einfach. Das System erledigt die Aufgabe, ohne dass der Benutzer das Gefühl hat, dass es zu viele Optionen gibt.
Ultimately, the platform is highly intuitive. At login, it's aesthetically pleasing and there is no sense of being "Overwhelmed" and no annoying "pop ups". There is no huge indicator prompting you to mass upload your contacts and begin sending STAMPs. The customer success manager actually wants to work with you throughout the process so you have a better understanding of what you're doing. They dig and uncover your business objectives to make sure accomplishments are measureable. They don't have the "set it and forget it" frame of mind.
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