Since 2001, Messangi has been connecting companies to their customers on billions of devices around the world. Our versatile and reliable platforms have been built in-house by some of the top engineers in the business. To power our operations, we have world-class teams in 7 countries willing to go the extra mile to meet our customers’ needs.
Messangi's cloud communications platform as a service can be customized and molded to create the best fitting solution. With the combination of multiple channels, reach and engage your customers in a more efficient way.
SOCi is easy to navigate to help enhance marketing of our business. I am so grateful to have all marketing in one organized area. Making individual posts are so easy as well, this coming from soneone who is not got using social media!
Raj S.
Bestätigter Bewerter
Bewertungsquelle: G2-Einladung im Namen des Verkäufers
Ich mag, dass ich meine automatischen Anzeigen mit SOCi programmieren und einrichten kann. Ich muss nicht ständig in sozialen Medien posten, um Aufmerksamkeit auf meiner Seite zu bekommen. Liebe ihre Bibliothekssammlung und die Art, meine Anzeigen zu posten.
How you can keep your content, pages, and groups organized with ease. Great customer support and very quick responses if you run into any errors which are rare.
HQ Location:
San Diego, California
What is SOCi?
SOCi is the leading CoMarketing Cloud for multi-location enterprises.
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