The cutomer support is outstanding! The upside is again the customer support. Some aspects of the software is intuitive while some is not. I have a fair amount of computer experience (not a novice), however some things were not obvious to me to perform. With a email and/or a phone call, I will receive assistance. There are many videos on You Tube to review which I find very helpful. The cost of the software was competitive as compared to other programs. My portfolio is small but growing so the price according to scale was reasonable.
Laura J.
Tropical Smoothie Cafe Multi-Unit Franchisee
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Bewertungsquelle: G2-Einladung im Namen des Verkäufers
The support is very good when you first start using the platform and navigating the site is not yet familiar. Once you get a basic understanding, there are plenty of opportunities to get as detailed as you'd like to with expenses and income data.
Juliana G.
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Bewertungsquelle: G2-Einladung im Namen des Verkäufers
I liked that the pricing it offered was the best price compared to other software platforms. However, I quickly learned that that pricing was for the very basic use,,, anything else you want to do will cost you.. things like online payment, owner portal, profit and loss reports, etc.
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