First of all coming to the price, the price of this product is amazing, it's one of the cheapest available in market, that's the best part of it.
It's a perfect crm tool packed with advanced features to engage more and more customera.
It helps us to understand the requirements of our customers even better since we started establishing connections via linkdin and other platforms.
We can easily integrate this software with the other email marketing tools providing us with more chances to gain customers.
Last but not least, the customer support team is one of the best in the market, just replies in few minutes.
Gnana Tejaswi Y.
Capital Projects Functional Consultant| Business Analyst| Cloud Enthusiast
The automation of the sales processes operationally just reduces the effort of entering the data and feeding is very easier and faster to use.
Great Pricing on this product, it is one of the more economical options available out there in the market.
Great tool with cool functionalities to attract a lot of customers.
Seamless ingetrations available with different APis
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