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128 Bewertungen


Dock verwandelt das B2B-Käufer- und Kundenerlebnis, indem es einen einzigen Anlaufpunkt für Kunden bietet. Anstatt durch mehrere E-Mail-Threads, versteckte Anhänge und zufällige Links zu navigieren, besuchen Kunden ein personalisiertes Portal, wenn sie etwas benötigen. Die Portale sind einfach für Kundenmanager einzurichten und beherbergen alle wichtigen Ressourcen, die mit der Beziehung zusammenhängen (Links, PDFs, Einbettungen, Videos, Aktionspläne usw.). Unterwegs erhalten Kundenmanager Analysen, um Geschäfte und Projekte voranzutreiben. Mit Dock sparen Kundenmanager Zeit und beeindrucken Kunden.

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Pratik D.
Pratik D.
Helping B2B companies predictively grow revenue via LinkedIn and Email
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Bewertungsquelle: Verkäufer einladen
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Übersetzt mit KI

Ein revolutionäres Werkzeug, das Sie bemerkt werden lässt!

Was ich an RELAYTO liebe, ist, dass es so benutzerfreundlich ist, dass es kaum eine Lernkurve gibt. Die Benutzeroberfläche ist ziemlich intuitiv. Und es gamifiziert den gesamten Prozess, um Ihre langweiligen alten PDFs/PPTs in interaktive Erlebnisse zu verwandeln.
Enzo Leonel F.
Enzo Leonel F.
UX/UI Designer | Previously practiced graphic design for 5 years
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Bewertungsquelle: Organisch
Übersetzt mit KI

Wirklich innovativ

Es ist ein vollständig interaktives Programm, das es Ihnen ermöglicht, sehr einfach zu lernen.
Liza Z.
Liza Z.
Games Journalist|UX Designer
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Bewertungsquelle: Verkäufer einladen
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Creating my portfolio was a fun and creative experience. And what's really important, it was quick.

Upon entering the website, I immediately found a video that presented the company, explaining the platform's goals and how it was working. I was stunned by the high quality and creativity of the motion design in the presentation, so I was sure I couldn't leave without trying all the features. The UI of the platform is very intuitive, so creating my account and figuring out how to start a project was easy. I tried to recreate my UX design portfolio on Behance. Now I can say that I'm a bit sad that designers are not required to post their works on RELAYTO instead of Behance and Dribbble. So, I saved my Figma slides in PDF format, merged them, and uploaded to RELAYTO. It was a pure joy to observe that the screens came out high-quality and the links were immediately working. Furthermore, I quickly noticed the pannel with interactive features and couldn't pass by. I love interactive and engaging designs. In my opinion, it's very modern and progressive when a platform encourages you to add responsiveness and motion to your works. I mainly experimented with GIFs (that were easy to search in the platform's library while editing, similar to how we add them in Instagram stories), and widgets. I like widgets nice and big but all the sizes are easily customizable. Maybe it's needless to say that I still haven't figured out how to show off my animations on Behance (without pursuing long and difficult tropes), though I'm using it for a year already. It's a good site as well, but it encourages a more static look. In general, I felt like I could allow myself to be brave and creative with RELAYTO. Completely new to the platform, I finished my project in a couple of hours and was satisfied as if I completed a painting. My portfolio project has a bright and modern look, and I'd feel good showing it to my clients. I will also recommend them to try RELAYTO for building and presenting their own projects.



HQ Location:
San Francisco , California



What is Relayto?

Innovate your content and unleash your ideas. Take your first step towards digital transformation.

