Dash Apps require very little boilerplate to get started - a simple "hello world" Dash app is under 50 lines of code.
Dash Apps are generated entirely from Python, even the HTML and JS
Dash Apps bind interactive components (dropdowns, graphs, sliders, text inputs) with your own Python code through reactive Dash "callbacks".
Dash Apps are "reactive" which means that it's easy to reason about complicated UIs with multiple inputs, multiple outputs, and inputs that depend on other inputs.
I like how intuitive the interfaces you build can be, how dynamic they can be as you're allowed to highlight and view parts of larger graphs and hover to view specific values. It looks very clean and I also appreciate that it can be deployed within a web application. As a web developer developing applications for clients that would like to see their data in action, it is greatly helpful to them to be able to work with and manipulate their data with minimal training and understanding of the inner workings of the technology.
Alec R.
Software Engineer at drchrono. We allow doctors to focus on patients instead of forms, records, and accounting.
Es gibt ziemlich solide Dokumentation, und sie ist in mehreren Sprachen verfügbar. Die meisten Konzepte sind bereits ziemlich ausgearbeitet, was es eher zu einer Frage macht, die richtige Syntax herauszufinden, als etwas Eigenes zu erstellen. Vor allem ist alles Open Source. Wenn man etwas ändern möchte, ist es möglich, in den Quellcode einzutauchen, um genau herauszufinden, wie Plotly funktioniert und wie man es anpassen kann.
Plotly hat auch ein gültiges Geschäftsmodell, um ihre OSS-Arbeit zu unterstützen, daher wird es wahrscheinlich nicht so schnell verschwinden.
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