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Penzle DAM

10 Bewertungen


Penzle Digital Asset Management (Penzle DAM) sticht in der Technologie-Landschaft des Asset-Managements hervor und bietet eine einzigartige Mischung aus anspruchsvollen Werkzeugen. Diese Werkzeuge sind sorgfältig darauf ausgelegt, die Art und Weise zu revolutionieren, wie Organisationen ihre digitalen Inhalte speichern, verwalten und verteilen. Penzle DAM ist mit fortschrittlichen Funktionen ausgestattet, einschließlich generativer KI-Suche, die die Asset-Entdeckung für eine schnellere und genauere Auffindung optimiert. Es ist darauf ausgelegt, eine breite Palette digitaler Assets zu verwalten, von Bildern und Videos bis hin zu Dokumenten und Audiodateien. Unsere robusten KI-Inhaltssicherheitswerkzeuge überwachen und verwalten die Integrität und Sicherheit Ihrer Assets innerhalb des digitalen Ökosystems wachsam und bieten Ihnen Seelenfrieden. Die unternehmensgerechte Metadatenorganisation des Systems, kombiniert mit leistungsstarken Analysen, bietet tiefe Einblicke in die Nutzung und Leistung von Assets und befähigt Sie, strategische Entscheidungen zu treffen, die Ihre Kapitalrendite verbessern.

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Emily .
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Photoshelter review

I like that it's easy for external constituents to use Photoshelter with minimal or no training. It generally does all we need it to do.
Alan H.
Alan H.
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Still needs a few basic features

I love the ability to share globally and give people access to specific files. We are working with Workspaces and trying to make our teams work together without photo access being a bottleneck. It has made our collections more usable and we have been able to link up the approval process for sensitive material. I am glad that users can upload photos to their own workspace, and use this to communicate with their group.
Hayley G.
Hayley G.
Graphic Designer | Founder of Ladies Who Design, LLC
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Bewertungsquelle: G2-Einladung im Namen des Verkäufers
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A beneficial tool, but site usability could be improved.

Photoshelter is excellent for managing digital assets and allowing user to collaborate on multiple projects. I personally enjoy the Lightboxes feature, which allows me to collect photos based on specific topics. I use these Lightboxes repeatedly when I have a project that requires specific campus shots. I also like the organization and ability to grant access to specific users.



HQ Location:
New York



What is PhotoShelter?

Founded in 005, PhotoShelter is an industry-leading digital asset management solution that helps you organize, manage, distribute, instantly share, and collaborate with your team on digital content. With 5+ billion assets securely managed and nearly 100 million annual downloads, PhotoShelter is the fastest, easiest, and most intuitive way to manage and automate your end-to-end content workflow to drive your brand engagement, get better ROI from content and improve efficiency across your team. That's why thousands of organizations and enterprises globally like Delta Airlines, FreshDirect, IMG Golf, Wendy's, and more trust PhotoShelter with their success. Now, with the 0 3 acquisition of Socialie, PhotoShelter is able to help brands activate the social channels of all their stakeholders via automated content distribution and better understand how social content is performing across partner channels, to exponentially expand their reach and drive more engagement.

