Gyrus Systems (Gyrus) hat sich seinen Ruf als erfahrener Anbieter von Learning Management Systemen (LMS) erworben, indem es seit über 27 Jahren hervorragende marktorientierte Lernmanagementprodukte und herausragenden Kundenservice bietet.
* No need of classroom training. - With employees in 4 different continents, online training is much more easier to provide.
* Reduced cost of training and flying out employees onsite for training
* features like gamification and interactive video are really well done
They have a Moodle based platform that is easy to administrate and manage. They have personalized formats of the courses that have a great design and are easy to configurate for people with low web designing skills. They offered a great first orientation course very personalized that allow us to start working with the platform.
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