Like most other programs, when you watch the demo videos, Site3D looks easy to use, simple to learn and powerful. Unlike most other programs, it actually is as good as it looks.
The main command icons are arranged sensibly, making it easy to tackle each design step in turn. Initially, this appears like there are a lack of tools however it's so intuitive to use that it only shows you what you need at the time. 21 main menu buttons allow you to carry out hundreds of tasks, using the same principles for each element. I'm sure we've all used programs with hundreds of buttons with no great benefit.
No need for expensive and time consuming training courses. If you can't figure something out, there are plenty of well organised tutorial videos.
Detaillierte Entwürfe zu erstellen ist mit Site3D einfach. Ich mag seine Fähigkeit, Felddaten zu integrieren, was für die Erstellung qualitativ hochwertiger Entwürfe von Entwässerungssystemen und anderen wichtig ist.
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