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ManageEngine Patch Connect Plus

4 Bewertungen

Patch Connect Plus ermöglicht mühelose Anwendungsaktualisierungen, indem es Ihre SCCM-Infrastruktur und das zentrale Repository von ManageEngine nutzt.

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ManageEngine RecoveryManager Plus

4 Bewertungen

Active Directory Backup- und Wiederherstellungswerkzeug

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ManageEngine Key Manager Plus

3 Bewertungen

ManageEngine Key Manager Plus ist eine webbasierte SSH-Schlüsselverwaltungslösung, die Ihnen hilft, den gesamten Lebenszyklus von SSH (Secure Shell)-Schlüsseln zu konsolidieren, zu kontrollieren, zu verwalten, zu überwachen und zu prüfen. Es bietet Einblick in die SSH-Umgebung und hilft Administratoren, die vollständige Kontrolle über die Schlüssel zu übernehmen, um Sicherheitsverletzungen und Compliance-Probleme zu verhindern.

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ManageEngine Password Manager Pro MSP

3 Bewertungen

Password Manager Pro ist ein sicherer Tresor zur Speicherung und Verwaltung gemeinsam genutzter sensibler Informationen wie Passwörter, Dokumente und digitale Identitäten. Die MSP Edition von Password Manager Pro ermöglicht es Dienstleistern, die privilegierten Passwörter ihrer Kunden zentral über einen vollständig automatisierten, richtliniengesteuerten Ansatz zu verwalten. Dies stellt sicher, dass MSPs in der Lage sind, einen kritischen Datenschutz zu bieten, der über die besten Sicherheitsrichtlinien ihrer Kunden für sensible Informationen hinausgeht, und hilft ihnen auch, ihren Kunden zu demonstrieren, dass die kritischen Daten sicher gehandhabt werden.

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ManageEngine AlarmsOne

2 Bewertungen

Verwalten Sie Warnungen von all Ihren IT-Management-Tools an einem Ort.

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ManageEngine Exchange Reporter Plus

2 Bewertungen

Bereitstellungsfertige Änderungsprüfung und Berichtslösung für MS Exchange-Umgebung

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Mondli M.
Mondli M.
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Best product I have came across in the market yet for managing endpoints

Best product I have came across in the market yet for managing endpoints and ensuring software licensing policies are enforced to end users
Nick S.
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Intuitive Enough To Learn In A Day

Currently, I am a solo IT team, and having a solution that's easy to use is key. Easy to learn is just a bonus! I was able to setup and deploy/install not only the server in 1 day, but installed and configured the MDM for our devices within the same day! I of course have since tweaked the profiles a little to fit our needs, and I like being able to push the changes immediately. The computer management/endpoint side was also learned in about a day and is very feature-rich for what it is. One of the other main benefits I enjoy in the world of everything-SaaS, I still have the option to self-host and therefore have better security for our own self-hosted solution. The license is perpetual, meaning I would only have to pay a much smaller support fee annually, vs. for the product that may cost 5x for competitors. Finally, when you need it, ManageEngine support teams are there in a moment's notice. Thankfully, I haven't had to utilize the team often, but when I have. They have been prompt, informative, and link articles that can help me faster in the future. I login and use this software daily for my users close to 200, and I wouldn't be able to do this near as efficiently or in as little time if I used a mix of various other solutions to try and meet the number of features available in Endpoint Central.
S S.
S S.
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Bewertungsquelle: Organisch

ITSM: Service Desk Plus

Manageengine Servicedesk Plus is basically cloud based tool, which is easy for usage. The maintenance of the server is getting reduced. It is multiple features which we can utlise and cater to all the service requests and workflows. The implementation is little bit complex, but if we do it in a proper way, it works marvelous. We have deployed this as our Helpdesk and ticketing system which all our employees are utlizing on a daily basis. The reporting features is very efficient and detailed. We have currently integrated the service desk plus with Endpoint central portal. The customer support is very good and immediate.



HQ Location:
Del Valle, Texas



What is ManageEngine?

ManageEngine offers enterprise IT management software for your service management, operations management, Active Directory and security needs. Download free trial now.

