The ability to easily build funnels.
Super quick access to the replays and the ability to interact with these sessions to understand how customer interacted with the quote flow.
The dashboard provides so much additional information like the ability to compare segments and see what the impact of a particular change made to metrics.
We use it very frequently to also help us troubleshoot where customers are stuck or particular bugs are prevelant.
The ongoing support is second to none, no where else have we received this level of support and guidance. It's awesome!
The software is straightforward and easy to use. The team are fantastic and very knowledgeable, using direct feedback to create a personalised experience. They happily spent time with our team ensuring everyone had a good understanding of how to use the software, and the best ways to pull great insights from it.
The ability to create segments based on what I customer saw throughout their journey. This allows you to get insights on past events without having to set up GTM to fire an event. We have localized stock availability this tool allowed us to see when I customer saw a product was out of stock based on their location. Another example was getting better visibility over how often 3rd party personalization events were triggering to better gauge the value of their services.
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