Could find all the job boards I wanted integrations with, easy to schedule interviews, and lovely feedback scorecards so you can see your team’s impressions on shortlisted candidates. User permissions and custom workflows really make it easy to integrate the whole team into the recruitment process.
The AI ranking is really neat for determining the best candidates, many of our clients are happy with the candidates we bring them. Workflows, email templates, resume parsing and filtering, sorting & searching makes our tasks faster. Another nice feature is the career page builder. It really helps with employer branding, you can integrate it with the career website. Reporting & analytics is also something we use a lot to review and improve our recruitment processes.
Workflows, E-Mail-Vorlagen, Benutzerfreundlichkeit und Berichte. All die erwähnten Dinge sind im Wesentlichen automatisiert, sodass Sie nicht viel manuelle Arbeit auf der Plattform erledigen müssen. Der Hauptgrund, warum wir ihren Service gekauft haben, war, Zeit zu sparen und schneller Leute einzustellen, und wir haben bekommen, was wir wollten.
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