Elektronische Patientenakten-Software, die Praxen und Gesundheitszentren dabei hilft, Papierkram zu beseitigen und die klinische Produktivität zu verbessern.
Es bietet vollständige Management- und klinische Werkzeuge mit der Möglichkeit, neue Funktionen hinzuzufügen, wenn eine Praxis wächst.
EXAMINE PRO-Software ermöglicht es Zahnärzten, die digitalen Bilder eines Patienten an einem Ort zusammenzuführen und zu speichern.
Henry Schein, Inc. (Nasdaq: HSIC) is a solutions company for health care professionals powered by a network of people and technology. With approximately 6,000 Team Schein Members worldwide, the Company's network of trusted advisors provides more than 1 million customers globally with more than 300 valued solutions that help improve operational success and clinical outcomes. Our Business, Clinical, Technology, and Supply Chain solutions help office-based dental and medical practitioners work more efficiently so they can provide quality care more effectively. These solutions also support dental laboratories, government and institutional health care clinics, as well as other alternate care sites. Henry Schein operates through a centralized and automated distribution network, with a selection of more than 300,000 branded products and Henry Schein corporate brand products in our distribution centers. A FORTUNE 500 Company and a member of the S&P 500® index, Henry Schein is headquartered in Melville, N.Y., and has operations or affiliates in 33 countries and territories. The Company's sales reached $1 .3 billion in 0 3, and have grown at a compound annual rate of approximately 11.5 percent since Henry Schein became a public company in 1995.