Considering we invest 80% of the effort in maintaining business applications, Genexus is the right tool to make changes that meet the customer's needs over time quickly. We focus on meeting the customer needs, and Genexus is very useful in making changes automatically to the database and maintenance programs.
Executables produced by Genexus are royalty-free and database native code for Oracle, SQLServer, SAP Hanna, Postgres SQL, MySQL, etc. In Mobile Apps generation includes back office application with all services the App needs on-line and off-line.
Der Prozess der Entwicklung eines Prototyps und die Produktionseinführung verlaufen bei GeneXus reibungslos, die enthaltenen Design-Tools ermöglichen es, schnell robuste und sehr gut an die Geschäftsrealität angepasste Lösungen zu erstellen.
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