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Eclincher Reviews

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Amanda A.
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Eclincher Review

I like how seamless it is to post across multiple social media platforms, as well as integrating different accounts. For example, my company has two different Facebook pages for our two separate divisions. Sometimes I want to post content to both pages, and other times I want to post to only one page, and eclincher allows me to pick and choose which pages I want to post to. I also like how I can schedule the same post to be reoccurring and post multiple times over the course of a few weeks. Since I started using eclincher I have really grown to love it. I love how I can customize the same post depending on where on posting it to (ie, Instagram, Facebook, etc.). This comes in really handy when I'm tagging people accross mulitple platforms and their handles are different. Or when I want to make a slightly longer post on other channels, but need to keep it shorter for X (aka Twitter).
Michael B.
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Großartige Social-Media-Plattform

Wir wählten die Lösung hauptsächlich, weil sie uns ermöglicht, automatisch aus unserem RSS-Feed von unserer Website zu posten. Das andere Hauptmerkmal, das uns überzeugte, war der Support, der überragend ist. Sie sind wirklich in jeder Phase für einen da. Und wenn sie 24/7 sagen, meinen sie es auch.
Scott W.
Scott W.
President and Co-Founder of 407 Marketing
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Ein erstaunliches Social-Media-Management-Tool

eClincher hat die größte Auswahl an Funktionen und Verbindungen aller Social-Media-Manager-Software, insbesondere zu diesem Preis. Sie ermöglichen es Ihnen, bis zu 30 soziale Konten, 10 Analytics-Konten sowie Ihre, feedly, Google Drive, Zendesk, Yelp und Pocket zu verbinden (auf der $99-Serviceebene). Zusätzlich ist es mit einer Verbindung zu Canva, kostenlosen Stockfoto-Diensten und einer GIF-Bibliothek vorinstalliert. Mit so vielen Tools ist es einfach, jeden Aspekt Ihrer sozialen Medien von einem zentralen Ort aus zu steuern.



HQ Location:
Palo Alto, CA



What is Eclincher?

eclincher is a market leader in the social media and online presence management. It offers multi-account and channel management, brand reputation monitoring, content creation, publishing and scheduling, social inbox, CRM, analytics reporting, local listings management, boosting local SEO ranking, automation, AI, and much more. More broadly, eclincher provides a comprehensive solution for managing social media and online presence, facilitating content scheduling, audience engagement, brand reputation management, analytics, and automation. eclincher serves businesses of all sizes, brands, marketing agencies, marketers, social media managers, and professionals. Specifically for agencies, eclincher offers unique features for managing clients, including free client dashboards and analytics reports. eclincher is an official partner of Facebook, Instagram, X (Twitter), LinkedIn, Google Business, YouTube, Pinterest, TikTok, Apple, WordPress, Google Analytics and many more integrations.

