Die von Cloverleaf bereitgestellten Einblicke waren unglaublich hilfreich, um neue Teammitglieder und direkte Berichte in Bezug auf Arbeitsstil, Motivationen, Kommunikationsstile usw. kennenzulernen und um wirklich am besten als Team und mit Einzelpersonen zusammenzuarbeiten. Es half auch, mehr Bewusstsein für meine eigenen Arbeitsstile zu schaffen und wo ich mich anpassen muss, um mit Einzelpersonen am effektivsten zu sein. Die laufenden Coaching-Tipps sind entscheidend, um diese Erkenntnisse im Mittelpunkt einer fortlaufenden Beziehung mit dem Team zu halten, im Gegensatz zu einer "einmaligen", vergesslichen Erfahrung, zu der so viele andere Bewertungsprogramme neigen.
I've used personality assessments in the past, but I usually misplace my results and certainly have found it difficult to keep up with others (team members') results. I like the platform approach with Cloverleaf, that I can come back and find or focus when I want to, or when I have a specific task or goal with someone I work with ... as well as the portability/flexibility (for individuals to control their profiles and data, and share them with multiple teams as they move around or even move on). I also really appreciate the approach Cloverleaf takes in terms of multiple assessment types - you can at least have people get started, and gain value/insight/empathy for team building quickly, even as individuals continue to complete and expand profiles over time - and the multiple tools/results (as opposed to simply a single assessment type) help me look at individuals (and them working together) from different angles. I think the biggest value (regardless of what you think about personality assessments) is the constructive activity of thinking deeply about someone else's perspective, and a platform with tools to help you do it ... FWIW accuracy seems good, but even if it weren't, going through the steps and thinking about yourself, your team, and their interactions has been extremely valuable.
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