Wir nutzen ChatSimple aktuell in der Testphase und sind begeistert von den ersten Ergebnissen. Das Tool ist extrem benutzerfreundlich und die Automatisierung spart uns bereits viel Zeit. Besonders gefallen uns die Anpassungsmöglichkeiten des Bots, die unsere Kundenanfragen optimal abfangen.
Training the bot is very easy. Just upload user manuals, text files or let it read your website. If you want specific answers, train it as an AI as well. I love to fine-tune it to get the best results. I see even our resellers are using it to gather information.
you can get it up and running in 2 minutes, or spend a few hours really tailoring it to your needs.
it gives logical answers and customers love using it, chatsimple makes up a significant portion of our lead captures.
HQ Location:
Toronto, ON
What is Chatsimple Inc.?
Chatsimple provides an AI-driven conversational platform that automates customer interactions through chatbots and live chat, enhancing customer engagement and support efficiency.
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