Dock verwandelt das B2B-Käufer- und Kundenerlebnis, indem es einen einzigen Anlaufpunkt für Kunden bietet. Anstatt durch mehrere E-Mail-Threads, versteckte Anhänge und zufällige Links zu navigieren, besuchen Kunden ein personalisiertes Portal, wenn sie etwas benötigen.
Die Portale sind einfach für Kundenmanager einzurichten und beherbergen alle wichtigen Ressourcen, die mit der Beziehung zusammenhängen (Links, PDFs, Einbettungen, Videos, Aktionspläne usw.). Unterwegs erhalten Kundenmanager Analysen, um Geschäfte und Projekte voranzutreiben. Mit Dock sparen Kundenmanager Zeit und beeindrucken Kunden.
Buyerdeck cuts down admin time, helps drive more efficient external and internal collaboration on new proposals, track opportunity progress and allows you to forecast more accurately. It's a more modern, dynamic and engaging way to send quotes rather than long boring emails. I find it a lot easier to respond to customer queries and to prioritize my time on specific projects when I use this rather than emails. I will never return to email proposals. Email proposals feel as tedious as writing physical letters in comparison to sending a Buyerdeck proposal.
We love that we can align our sales process to the content and needs of our customers as well as keep all the information in one place. It gives our customers and team members complete visibility into what has happened and what next steps are for our prospects/customers as they engage with us. It also allows our product team to understand the content that is getting used and what is useful for our prospects/customers.
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