There was a time, not long ago, when there was a significant discrepancy between what I thought I was spending and my actual monthly expenses. Nothing unsustainable, but still quite annoying. That's when I bumped into a Which? article comparing budgeting apps. Buxfer was ranked high and I decided to try it. It didn't take long before I turned into a paying user: seamless integration with most sorts of accounts; beautifully designed dashboard which provides key information at a glance; ability to compare trends; transactions automatically categorised; etc. And what a revelation!... All of a sudden I had a full and clear map of my expenses and, once in control, I was able to make money work better for me.
Easy to use
Ability to copy and modify transactions
Multiple accounts
Tags and sub-tags
Handling loans by IOU feature
David D.
Director, Technology Services - Asia Pacific at The Coca-Cola Company
MS Money war lange Zeit mein Favorit. Als es eingestellt wurde, verbrachte ich ein paar Jahre damit, einen geeigneten Ersatz zu finden. Habe die meisten ausprobiert. Am Ende war Buxfer der einzige, der meinen Bedürfnissen entsprach.
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