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Yodeck Bewertungen & Produktdetails

James P.
Assistant Manager
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Bewertungsquelle: Organisch
Was gefällt dir am besten Yodeck?

Yodeck has completely changed my life as a restaurant manager. I used to hang tons of papers on a bulletin board that nobody used to look at and now I have a TV in the back of the house that displays announcements contest results and important other information that the employees need to know, all with the click of a button! No Thumb Tacks Needed. Infact, my Area Director liked it so much that they’re now implementing it in all of the stores in my area! Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Yodeck?

The only issue that I have run into on Yodeck, would be that not all of the apps are compatible with all players. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was ist ein Problem? Yodeck Solving und wie profitieren Sie davon?

It is taking care of the posting of important announcements, contest results, and other important information that employees need to know. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Yodeck Übersicht

Was ist Yodeck?

Ab $8/Monat + kostenlose Player ist Yodeck eine klare Wahl für digitale Beschilderung. Bringen Sie jeden Bildschirm in weniger als 5 Minuten zum Laufen! Verwenden Sie unseren Drag & Drop-Editor zusammen mit Hunderten von kostenlosen Vorlagen, um jede Art von Inhalt wie Bilder, Videos, PDFs, Kalender, Menüs, soziale Medien und mehr anzuzeigen! Verwalten, bearbeiten und planen Sie Inhalte für Ihre Bildschirme online, von überall aus über unser cloudbasiertes Dashboard. Wir bieten erstklassigen weltweiten Support. Ihr erster Bildschirm ist kostenlos, für immer - verbinden Sie ihn jetzt! Yodeck ist stolz darauf, eine außergewöhnliche Lösung für digitale Beschilderung für Unternehmen jeder Größe bereitzustellen, von lokalen Restaurants bis hin zu globalen Marktführern, die uns bereits vertrauen, darunter Delta Airlines, Autodesk, Adobe, Domino’s, Deloitte und Swissport.

Yodeck Details
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Yodeck ist eine cloudbasierte Digital Signage-Lösung, die es Ihnen ermöglicht, Ihre Monitore einfach über das Web zu entwerfen und zu planen, indem Sie Ihren Computer, Ihr Tablet oder Ihr Smartphone verwenden.

Wie positionieren Sie sich gegenüber Ihren Mitbewerbern?

Yodeck bietet unvergleichliche Einfachheit und Wert, indem es einen risikofreien Freemium-Plan anbietet, mit dem Benutzer seine Fähigkeiten auf einem einzigen Bildschirm erkunden können, wobei die anschließende Preisgestaltung bei 8 $ beginnt. Dies stellt sicher, dass Unternehmen jeder Größe Zugang zu anspruchsvollen digitalen Beschilderungslösungen haben, ohne die Qualität zu beeinträchtigen.

Die Plattform vereinfacht die Einrichtung, indem sie kostenlose, vorkonfigurierte Player für eine einfache Bereitstellung anbietet und eine Vielzahl von Geräten wie Amazon FireStick, Windows, Android, Tizen und LG WebOS unterstützt, was Flexibilität bei der Hardwareauswahl bietet.

Es ist eine umfassende Lösung, die Plug-and-Play-Hardware mit einer cloudbasierten Plattform für nahtlosen Betrieb und einfache Fernverwaltung von Bildschirmen kombiniert und Skalierbarkeit gewährleistet.

Yodeck zeichnet sich durch seine Integration mit über 70 Apps, darunter PowerBI und Asana, aus und bietet über 500 anpassbare Vorlagen für mühelose Inhaltserstellung sowie Funktionen zum Teilen von Nachrichtenfeeds und zur Verwaltung von Warteschlangen.

Mit dediziertem Kundensupport und umfangreichen Schulungsressourcen ist Yodeck eine funktionsreiche, benutzerfreundliche digitale Beschilderungsplattform, die vielfältigen Anforderungen gerecht wird.

Flipnode LLC
San Francisco, CA
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One platform. Endless possibilities. Purpose-built to help you find new and better ways of communicating with your audience, Yodeck is sleek, stress-free digital signage software for teams who want to start getting more from their digital screens, today.From start to finish, Yodeck makes it easy for you to create interesting, dynamic digital content that resonates with your audience:Create and deliver your best-ever content, in minutes. Tap into a huge library of industry-specific, customizable templates and apps that transform your digital screens into an information hub that keeps your audience engaged, informed, and up to date.Manage your content with total confidence. Easily change, update, and refresh your content at any time directly from a secure, user-friendly digital signage platform. Gain access to tools and resources that simplify everything. Discover the freedom to communicate with a style and schedule that works best for you and your audience. Explore a solution that will change the way you think about digital signage, and what it can do for your organization.

Übersicht bereitgestellt von:

Aktuelle Yodeck Bewertungen

Charles B.
Charles B.Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
4.5 von 5
"YoDeck - Best Digital Signage Vendor We've Found"
YoDeck is great because it keeps things simple. I don't have to worry about complex menus/settings, everything is intuitive, and they don't push un...
Ajene H.Unternehmen mittlerer Größe (51-1000 Mitarbeiter)
5.0 von 5
"Yodeck makes changing our menus at 7 locations easy!"
We have 7 restaurants scattered around the Houston area with 3 screens at each location. Yodeck makes it easy for us to make menu and promo screen ...
Verifizierter Benutzer
Verifizierter BenutzerUnternehmen (> 1000 Mitarbeiter)
4.5 von 5
"Ease of Use!"
How easy that the system is to use and the ability to schedule very easily
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Yodeck Medien

Yodeck Demo - Yodeck dashboard
In the dashboard screen you get a quick overview of the monitors you manage
Yodeck Demo - Free widgets and integrated apps
Yodeck offers you a variety of free apps and widgets as well as the option to create your own.
Yodeck Demo - Content scheduling
Control what and when your monitors display the content you want, effortlessly through an easy to understand calendar view
Yodeck Demo - Display layout management
Our in-app editor allows you to design the layout that best fit your needs. Countless option and possibilities with our easy to use and intuitive interface
Yodeck Demo - Top Brand that trust Yodeck
Yodeck is trusted by leading companies from a variety of verticals
Yodeck Video abspielen
Yodeck Video abspielen
Yodeck Video abspielen
Yodeck Video abspielen
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2,016 von 2,017 Gesamtbewertungen für Yodeck
4.8 von 5
2,016 von 2,017 Gesamtbewertungen für Yodeck
4.8 von 5

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Creative Media Marketing Officer
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Bewertungsquelle: Organisch
Was gefällt dir am besten Yodeck?

Yodeck provides a streamlined process to communicate media on a TV. You can organise media, create schedules, playlists, import Google Slides, setup widgets, and so much more.

Long gone are the days of plugging in a USB to the side of the screen or needing to connect a laptop and running through HDMI, just hoping the aspect ratio matches. Yodeck sorts this all for us remotely. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Yodeck?

I'd love to be able to setup a playlist, assign it to a schedule, but have certain images within the playlist set with an expiry date of sorts. For example, if an event were promoted through an image in a playlist, to ensure that event is promoted after the event takes place, I can create a second playlist, go into my schedules, and then have one playlist (with event promo) set to a certain date, and then another playlist after that.

If I could instead set an expiry on that image, I setup one playlist, set it to run forever, and then load in my image with an expiry or "auto-remove from playlist" date to help me automate my workflow and not need as many playlists.

Just a small thing.

One other, is that one user can't have access to multiple Yodeck properties. I need to set up another email for another Yodeck. This really needs to be fixed. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was ist ein Problem? Yodeck Solving und wie profitieren Sie davon?

I no longer need to plug in a USB and be in the physical location of the screen to choose my design. I'm not limited to the capabilities and features of the TV, but can now expand my use of media to anything Yodeck supports and run that via HDMI to the digital screen. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Kru A.
Business Analyst
Unternehmen mittlerer Größe(51-1000 Mitarbeiter)
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Bewertungsquelle: Organisch
Was gefällt dir am besten Yodeck?

I've been using Yodeck for a while now, and it’s been a really solid experience. Setting it up was a breeze, and the interface is super easy to navigate. I love that you can use a Raspberry Pi to keep costs down, and managing content remotely is super convenient. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Yodeck?

There are a couple of small quirks here and there, and I wish there were a few more customization options, but overall, it does exactly what I need it to do. Plus, their support team is really helpful when you need them. Definitely happy with it! Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was ist ein Problem? Yodeck Solving und wie profitieren Sie davon?

Yodeck makes it super easy to manage digital signage without needing a ton of technical know-how. Instead of dealing with clunky software or manually updating screens, I can schedule and update content remotely in just a few clicks. It’s also really cost-effective, especially with the Raspberry Pi option, so I don’t have to spend a fortune on hardware.

The biggest benefit for me is the convenience—everything runs smoothly, and I don’t have to worry about screens going blank or content not playing. It just works, which saves me time and hassle! Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Director of Information Technology
Unternehmen mittlerer Größe(51-1000 Mitarbeiter)
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Bewertungsquelle: Organisch
Was gefällt dir am besten Yodeck?

I can give multiple content creators access to the product and they can adjust the content from anywhere. Unlike so many other companies, Yodeck also provides security for all levels of the platform. That tells me that they take security seriously rather than putting it behind a paywall. SSO at all levels is a game changer and very much appreciated. The multiple options of how things are presented and where you can pull from is also very convenient. I'll be honest, the platform is surprisingly affordable for everything that it does. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Yodeck?

Sometimes it can be confusing as to where you put things, but I'm an IT guy. The content people who work with it regularly seem to have all of that figured out. I just had to do the initial setup so admittedly I didn't attempt to become a SME. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was ist ein Problem? Yodeck Solving und wie profitieren Sie davon?

We had been using just a computer with a video playing on loop to display items. That meant that we had to have a video made for each thing we wanted in it. Obviously this was extremely inconvenient and resulted in our digital signage only being updated 1-2 times a year. With Yodeck, we now update it often multiple times a week. It also allowed us to give access to the people who really needed to manage the content, the marketing team. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Rick C.
Chief Vision Officer
Kleinunternehmen(50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
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Bewertungsquelle: Organisch
Was gefällt dir am besten Yodeck?

At Grove Studios, we absolutely love Yodeck's remote management capabilities. Running 24/7 self-service music studios across multiple locations means we can't always have staff on-site, but Yodeck lets us update content, schedules, and important information from anywhere. The playlist functionality has been perfect for showcasing our member spotlights, upcoming events, and membership packages.

The ease of use is outstanding - even our less tech-savvy team members picked it up quickly. Setting up the display as we've expanded has been plug-and-play simple. We especially appreciate the scheduling features that let us program content weeks in advance, which is crucial during busy recording seasons when we're focused on supporting our musicians.

Their reliability has been rock-solid, which is essential for our operation where screens need to display critical information at all hours. The system has experienced minimal downtime in the years we've been using it. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Yodeck?

There is only a learning curve as there are so many features. Not really a downside, but it DOES take time to learn. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was ist ein Problem? Yodeck Solving und wie profitieren Sie davon?

We simply needed a remote platform that allows us to control content on any screen in our studios because we are a 24/7 self-service music rehearsal and recording studio. We don't staff the studio, and so it's critical to have remote control over the content. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Karl C.
Head of Communications and Engagement
Unternehmen mittlerer Größe(51-1000 Mitarbeiter)
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Bewertungsquelle: Organisch
Was gefällt dir am besten Yodeck?

Yodeck is a great system to manage multiple screens in multiple locations from a central point. It allows us to show different information to different audiences and, once you get the hang of how to set up your screens and sort out your playlists, it is easy to use.

They also have a great range of 'troubleshooting' tutorials which you can watch quickly and easily Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Yodeck?

It took quite a bit of playing with the different settings to get used to the system, and to trust that what it tells you on is showing on the screens is what you've intended it to be (it can take a few minutes to replicate, and doesn't warn you of this). Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was ist ein Problem? Yodeck Solving und wie profitieren Sie davon?

We have two main purposes, the first is to tell visitors and customers about what's going on at our hospice. The second is as a staff communication tool, in our staff rooms. So far the system is working well (we've only had it a few months), and we're finding that people comment on the things that have appeared on the screens (so they must be seeing them!) Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Meet P.
Apparel & Fashion
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Bewertungsquelle: Organisch
(Ursprünglich )Informationen
Was gefällt dir am besten Yodeck?

As the owner of Palkhi Fashion, I'm always looking for ways to enhance the in-store experience and showcase our latest collections. Yodeck has been a game-changer! Setting up our digital signage was incredibly simple. I was expecting a complicated process, but the intuitive interface and clear instructions had our screens up and running in no time. What's truly impressive is the versatility. We use Yodeck to display everything from high-quality videos of our fashion shows and lifestyle shoots to eye-catching image slideshows of new arrivals and even live social media feeds. It supports every media type we've thrown at it without a hitch. Beyond just media, the extensive app selection is fantastic. We use the weather app to keep customers informed and the scrolling ticker to promote special offers. And the best part? It's been rock-solid reliable. No more worrying about blank screens or technical glitches. Yodeck has given Palkhi Fashion a modern, professional edge, and our customers love it! Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Yodeck?

So far everything has worked smoothly and haven't had any negative experiance. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was ist ein Problem? Yodeck Solving und wie profitieren Sie davon?

Digital signage needs and ease of use. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

vice principal
Unternehmen mittlerer Größe(51-1000 Mitarbeiter)
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Bewertungsquelle: Organisch
Was gefällt dir am besten Yodeck?

Yodeck is an excellent digital signage solution that is both user-friendly and highly functional. The platform offers a seamless experience for managing screens remotely, making it perfect for businesses of all sizes. I particularly appreciate its intuitive interface, extensive template library, and the ability to schedule content effortlessly. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Yodeck?

While Yodeck is a fantastic tool, one small drawback is the lack of Polish language support in the applications. It would be great to see more language options to make it even more accessible to a wider audience. However, this is a minor issue compared to the overall quality and performance of the platform. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was ist ein Problem? Yodeck Solving und wie profitieren Sie davon?

Yodeck helps our school efficiently communicate important information to students. We use it to display announcements, schedules, and event updates in a clear and engaging way. This ensures that students stay informed and up to date with everything happening at school. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Desktop Support Technician
Unternehmen(> 1000 Mitarbeiter)
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Bewertungsquelle: Organisch
Was gefällt dir am besten Yodeck?

We were particularly impressed by the extensive selection of add-on apps available, which added significant versatility to the platform. We look forward to incorporating integrations with Microsoft 365 SharePoint, VivaEngage and Teams over the coming months to further streamline our office communications. Overall, Yodeck delivered an exceptional solution with top-notch customer support, making the switch a great decision for our business. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Yodeck?

Currently, the default duration is set to 5 seconds, which is too short for our business needs. Unfortunately, there is no way to increase this on a global level, requiring us to manually adjust the timing for each piece of content. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was ist ein Problem? Yodeck Solving und wie profitieren Sie davon?

Yodeck solved the challenge of managing and updating digital signage content across multiple displays in our office. Its centralised platform made it easy to schedule and deploy content efficiently, saving us significant time and effort compared to our previous solution. The ability to integrate with tools like Viva Engage and Microsoft 365 SharePoint allowed us to streamline internal communication by displaying real-time updates and company information directly on screens. The flexibility and extensive app library also enabled us to enhance the overall functionality of our digital signage, benefiting our business by creating a more dynamic and effective communication tool. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

STEAM instructor of public school
Unternehmen mittlerer Größe(51-1000 Mitarbeiter)
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Bewertungsquelle: Organisch
Was gefällt dir am besten Yodeck?

We were currently using Google Chrome Sign Builder as our signage option for tvs throughout the building, but since Sign Builder is going to no longer be supported, it forced us to explore other options. We are glad it did. We are still able to incorporate a published Google Slide show, managed by students, but also other things such as video, websites, and other apps. There is a wide variety of options, and customizability. We couldn’t be happier with the ease of setup and maintenance. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Yodeck?

We wish the plans were more affordable for school districts. Most companies will give district’s a discount based on size or student population, or some educational rate. With our district cutting costs, it seems unlikely that we can purchase the number of units that we would need, because it forces us to purchase an annual subscription, which is way out of our current budget. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was ist ein Problem? Yodeck Solving und wie profitieren Sie davon?

Not available. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

David Y.
Marketing Director
Kleinunternehmen(50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
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Bewertungsquelle: Organisch
Was gefällt dir am besten Yodeck?

The simplicity and price point make it among the most attractive tools we have considered. We now follow up with team meetings to distribute critical information at a regular cadence. We use it internally for safety, HR notices, job openings and much more. I have not even needed to use customer support because of its relative simplicity and ease of use. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Yodeck?

If someone is looking for something with lots of extra tools, this is likely going to come up short of some other things. I find this has plenty to upload a simple Canva slide and get great, cohesive messaging distributed. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was ist ein Problem? Yodeck Solving und wie profitieren Sie davon?

We have become more disciplined communicators. We helped employees solve a complex tax situation. It helped us remind our employees of things. And we've even implemented QR codes for easy scanning in the break room. Up next and planned: Employee surveys, ideas, and similar items. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.