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11 LeadDyno Bewertungen

4.0 von 5
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11 LeadDyno Bewertungen
4.0 von 5
11 LeadDyno Bewertungen
4.0 von 5

LeadDyno Vor- und Nachteile

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Vor- und Nachteile werden aus dem Feedback der Bewertungen zusammengestellt und in Themen gruppiert, um eine leicht verständliche Zusammenfassung der Benutzerbewertungen zu bieten.
Dieses Produkt hat bisher keine positiven Meinungen erhalten.

Gesamtbewertungsstimmung für LeadDynoFrage

<1 Tag
>12 Monate
Return on Investment
<6 Monate
48+ Monate
Benutzerfreundlichkeit der Einrichtung
0 (Schwierig)
10 (Einfach)
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Verifizierter Benutzer in Financial Services
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Bewertungsquelle: Organisch
Was gefällt dir am besten LeadDyno?

The platform was promising, because it offers multilevel marketing and integrations with Chargebee which was what I needed. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? LeadDyno?

The worst support experience in 5+ years of digital tools & products. I have now switched to Tapfiliates, who have answered my question in 5 minutes that has gone unanswered more than 2 weeks by LeadDyno.

How can I trust a company with my tens of thousands of dollars of affiliate sales when it takes over 2 weeks to actually talk to someone (still haven't gotten in touch, so could be longer).

My feeling is, and after reading the reviews on other review sites - if you're an easy customer, you'll have a decent experience. If you have trouble or questions about integrations or anything custom, or if they deem you "too much work" they simply won't answer you. My theory is they are severely understaffed and couldn't be bothered to take care of customers they deem "hard work". It's a shame because they have a nice product!

The chat support knows NOTHING about anything technical. Literally nothing. Not even basics about the features of the platform. I've tried calling their "support" phone number 7 times over the past 2 weeks and was not ONCE able to speak to someone. Every time it ended up in a voicemailbox. What's the point of having a phone that you never answer?

I've tweeted at them, emailed them, opened tickets, scheduled calls. I was stood up for 2 calls I scheduled and not notified or even apologized to. My questions aren't even that complex - I just feel like they couldn't be bothered.

I saw the response that the CEO gave to another customer in one of these review sites and he mentioned something about "problem customers" and I was appalled. All customers are customers. You can't just pick and choose who to attend to based on how "easy" they are. That's a ridiculous excuse for poor service.

If you offer a functionality or integration you should be able to explain how it works and troubleshoot the issues. And you should definitely answer your phone!!

For me, support makes or breaks a company. I can't trust a company that won't even pick up its phone. And you shouldn't either! These are thousands of dollars we're talking about, and you should take them somewhere that the company actually values you. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Antwort von Lead Dyno aus LeadDyno

Es tut uns wirklich leid, von Ihrem Erlebnis zu hören. Das hätte nicht passieren dürfen. In den letzten 9 Monaten haben wir viel Mühe darauf verwendet, ein großartiges Support-Team aufzubauen, und wir bemühen uns wirklich, reaktionsschneller zu sein und viel mehr Ressourcen bereitzustellen, damit die Kunden lernen können, wie sie das Beste aus unserer Plattform herausholen können.