Easily organizes camp groups and makes accessing information quick and easy for camp personnel. Campdoc staff are easy to contact and quick to find solutions. Making sure our health forms made sense and were easy to read was a breeze. We do registration in a different platform, and paying for the Importer Tool has made uploads so much simpler. We used the software every day for camps, and often there were very few hiccups. Seasonal staff were able to quickly learn and utilize the software, and it seems like caregivers didn't have much of a problem either. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.
Some features could be frustrating and inconsistent: the Notes feature we stopped using because of restrictions (which type of Note was entered or when it was entered), and we wish Trusted Contacts had a few more features to make it more user friendly. A way to access information in an offline mode would be incredibly helpful. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.
133 von 134 Gesamtbewertungen für CampDoc
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CampDoc was designed with camps in mind, so it's built asking all the questions we need answered. The software does all that I need it to do to enroll campers, and keep their information organized. The best part of CampDoc however, is their staff. They are always very responsive and just about the friendliest crew you'll ever cross paths with. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.
The one challenge with CampDoc - sometimes the reports or finding the right report can be confusing. And the way it lists campers who have attended for multiple years shows up sort of wonky, but any time I've had any confusion, the CampDoc folks either showed me what I was looking for, or in one case actually built a custom report for me. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.
CampDoc listened to our needs and complaints regarding our previous software. Then the implementation team took this data to provide us with a solution that addressed these concerns while making it easy to use for parents and staff. Every question or concern has been addressed quickly and cheerfully. We feel our organization and camper data is safe and compassionate hands with CampDoc! Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.
I wish I had asked for a meeting with my implementation team and the sales staff member who set up our account. I think that would have made the process a little easier for us. Otherwise, these last few months have been smooth sailing. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

CampDoc ist sowohl für unser Personal als auch für die Camp-Familien sehr benutzerfreundlich zu navigieren! Im Vergleich zu den Papierformularen, die wir früher verwendet haben, hat CampDoc uns Hunderte von Stunden an Personalzeit gespart. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.
Nichts sticht als großer Nachteil hervor. Das CampDoc-Personal ist so hilfsbereit, die Plattform ist einfach zu bedienen, und ich schätze es, zu wissen, dass die Informationen der Camper sicher sind. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.
We have been working with CampDoc for 5 camp seasons now, and cannot speak highly enough about how much of a positive impact CampDocs has made on the efficiency and capabilities of the system. From the automation of emails to parents, to the safe collection of medical records, to the convience of sign-in & out - CampDoc makes our camp program run smoothly and gives us more time to be physically present during the camp day instead of bogged down in paperwork. We originally only used the CampDoc system for our summer camp program, but we have now been using it year round for all all of our programs that require health & medical record collection. The system is easy to learn and CampDoc provides tons of online tutorials, virtual training sessions and on hand customer service support. Activing the system is very simple, easy and straightforward and the support team is always there to help during this process. The best factor about CampDoc is that it is able to be intergrated between multiple organziations - we have a partnership program with another local camp and we are able to share information on campers across both of our camp programs easily. Additionally, families love the fact that is mulitple camp programs in an area use the CampDoc system a lot of their information carries over from camp to camp and makes it so much more conveinent for them. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.
My only dislike is regarding that medical records uploaded by families still need to be manually reviewed - I would love for the system to be able to do it, but dont think that is possible without the use of AI. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.
Der Reichtum an Informationen, den wir mit der Plattform sammeln können, ist sehr hilfreich. Und die Anwesenheitsfunktionen mit vertrauenswürdigen Kontakten ermöglichen es uns, unsere Camper sicher zu verfolgen und sind einfach für Check-in- und Check-out-Zwecke zu verwenden. Der Datenimportprozess ist einfach und intuitiv, sobald man den Dreh raus hat. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.
2 Bereiche zur Verbesserung: Ich möchte, dass der Vertrauenswürdige Kontakt in die allgemeinen Profilfragen aufgenommen wird, anstatt separat. Einige Eltern sind verwirrt und denken, ihr Profil sei vollständig, obwohl die Vertrauenswürdigen Kontakte, die für das Ein- und Auschecken notwendig sind, noch fehlen. Ich hätte auch gerne eine einfachere Möglichkeit, die Anwesenheitsfunktion VOR dem ersten Camptag zu nutzen, um unser Personal besser zu schulen. Wir können zu diesem Zweck ein Testkonto erstellen, aber eine einfachere Methode wäre wünschenswert. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.
For our camp, the most helpful features of CampDoc were to be able to collect all of our camper's personal and health info online, to be able collect signatures online and to be able to pull reports in whatever format we needed. The reporting function is very easy to use and allows us to get information in any sort of format that we want it. This was a huge improvement for us in terms of efficience, communication and safety. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.
Honestly I there isn't anything I've discovered yet that I can say I dislike about CampDoc. We're very happy to work with them! Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.
First and foremost, the customer support has always been quick, responsive, and so helpful. I also love the breadth of reports that can be pulled to learn more about campers and camp families. During the run-up and midst of the camp season, I have CampDoc open and use it several times a day. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.
I wish it was easier to pull up information based on camper parent/caregiver. I believe I can pull them up using their email, but if I don't know it off the top of my head, it's hard to find a camper using their parent/caregiver's name Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.
Our organization has used CampDoc for multiple years to handle our medical paperwork. This year we are begining to use CampDoc for registration as well. In this transitionary period, the staff at CampDoc has been nothing but helpful. I love that how CampDoc has assigns each organization their own support team, so I always know who to get in touch with when problems arrise. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.
The biggest problem our organization has run into with CampDoc is that they do not allow customers to cover part of the processing fees for transactions. However, we have been told that this feature is in the works, and are hopeful that it will be avaible in the future. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

SchoolDoc ist benutzerfreundlich, und ich liebe es, dass ich es an die Bedürfnisse unserer einzigartigen Schulgemeinschaft anpassen kann. Das Personal ist sehr hilfsbereit bei der Beantwortung von Fragen und unterstützt mich auf schnelle Weise. Das neue Bugherd-Kommunikationstool hat die Kommunikation für Updates und das Hinzufügen neuer Inhalte zum Gesundheitsprofil erleichtert. Ich mag die neue Vorlage für das Verhaltensgesundheitsprotokoll. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.
Es wäre hilfreich in meiner Praxis, wenn entweder ein Timer eingestellt wäre oder eine Option, um einzutragen, wie lange ein Schülerkontakt in meiner Obhut gedauert hat, wie im neuen Verhaltensgesundheitsprotokoll. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.
Staff are very responsive when I have questions and have been super helpful as I have been learning to set up the platform for the first time. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.
Sometimes the platform is not super straightforward, but that is an issue I experience very infrequently. All issues have been resolved by reaching out to the team I work with (shoutout Amas, Jesse, and Jorge!) Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.