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BILL Financial Operations Platforms Bewertungen

BILL Financial Operations Platforms Suite Übersicht

Was ist BILL Financial Operations Platforms?

BILL ist eine führende Finanzoperationsplattform für kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen (KMU). Als Verfechter der KMU automatisieren wir die Zukunft der Finanzen, damit Unternehmen gedeihen können. Unsere integrierte Plattform hilft Unternehmen, ihre Verbindlichkeiten, Forderungen sowie Ausgaben- und Kostenmanagement effizienter zu kontrollieren. Hunderttausende von Unternehmen verlassen sich auf das proprietäre Mitgliedernetzwerk von BILL mit Millionen von Mitgliedern, um schneller zu zahlen oder bezahlt zu werden. Mit Hauptsitz in San Jose, Kalifornien, ist BILL ein vertrauenswürdiger Partner führender US-amerikanischer Finanzinstitute, Buchhaltungsfirmen und Anbieter von Buchhaltungssoftware.

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San Jose, CA
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BILL (NYSE: BILL) is a leading financial operations platform for small and midsize businesses (SMBs). As a champion of SMBs, we are automating the future of finance so businesses can thrive. Our integrated platform helps businesses to more efficiently control their payables, receivables and spend and expense management. Hundreds of thousands of businesses rely on BILL’s proprietary member network of millions to pay or get paid faster. Headquartered in San Jose, California, BILL is a trusted partner of leading U.S. financial institutions, accounting firms, and accounting software providers. For more information, visit bill.com.

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Aktuelle BILL Financial Operations Platforms Bewertungen

Kishan M.
Kishan M.Unternehmen (> 1000 Mitarbeiter)
4.5 von 5
"Meine Erfahrung mit Bill"
Es ist sehr einfach zu verwenden, mit der Integration von Finanzwerkzeugen und der Verwaltung von Rechnungen, die an einem Ort konsolidiert sind.
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BILL Financial Operations Platforms Medien

BILL Financial Operations Platforms Demo - BILL AP/AR
Spend 50% less time on AP, automate invoicing, and get paid 2x faster.
BILL Financial Operations Platforms Demo - BILL Spend & Expense
Get access to credit lines from $1,000-$5M. Easily set budgets, request funds, and track spend using free software combined with corporate cards.

2,944 BILL Financial Operations Platforms Bewertungen

4.4 von 5
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2,944 BILL Financial Operations Platforms Bewertungen
4.4 von 5
2,944 BILL Financial Operations Platforms Bewertungen
4.4 von 5

BILL Financial Operations Platforms Vor- und Nachteile

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(Ursprünglich )Informationen
Was gefällt dir am besten BILL Spend & Expense (Formerly Divvy)?

The ease at which I can make budgets and assign them to budget members makes life incredibly easy. I am thankful that Bill sends automatic updates when someone has not finished the transaction takes the pressure of my back. It is nice to see your purchases right away rather than the normal two-three day of traditional credit cards. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? BILL Spend & Expense (Formerly Divvy)?

It takes times to set up all the items and policies needed to be in line with the company vision. I also cannot track how many times someone is reminded for transactions and cannot control if they turn off their notifications. It is also difficult to accumulate points if you have a higher credit line. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was ist ein Problem? BILL Spend & Expense (Formerly Divvy) Solving und wie profitieren Sie davon?

The problem this is helping me to solve is tracking day to day expenses and getting employees to submit receipts for those expenses. This system is very intuitive and automatic, cutting out lots of the middle man for my workload. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Antwort von Jenn J aus BILL Spend & Expense (Formerly Divvy)
(Ursprünglich )

Vielen Dank für Ihr positives Feedback zu unserem Service! Wir freuen uns, dass die Nutzung von BILL Spend & Expense es Ihnen erleichtert hat, Budgets zu erstellen/zuweisen und dass die Software Sie automatisch benachrichtigt, wenn eine Transaktion unvollständig ist. Wir entschuldigen uns für die benötigte Zeit, um alle Elemente/Richtlinien einzurichten und dafür, dass es keine Hauptkontrolle darüber gibt, ob jemand Benachrichtigungen ausschaltet, und werden dieses Feedback an unser Team zur weiteren Überprüfung weiterleiten.

Bridget O.
Staff Accountant
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Was gefällt dir am besten BILL Spend & Expense (Formerly Divvy)?

The most helpful feature I've experienced is the start-up guides and wealth of knowledge for every question you've ever had in the Help articles. It's easy to implement and use for everyday spending management for all the teams in our organization. The QuickBooks transaction syncing makes accounting especially easy. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? BILL Spend & Expense (Formerly Divvy)?

The downsides are that they don't have how-to videos and reimbursements don't sync to QuickBooks. Videos would help others that are more hands-on visual learners be able to get up and going faster with their account. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was ist ein Problem? BILL Spend & Expense (Formerly Divvy) Solving und wie profitieren Sie davon?

Managing security and authorization for spending has been solved through the service. It also makes accounting so much simpler. It reduces spending time on time-consuming tasks. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Antwort von Spencer White aus BILL Spend & Expense (Formerly Divvy)

Thank you, Bridget, for taking the time to provide us with your feedback on BILL Spend and Expense. We are pleased to hear that you found our resources to be a wealth of knowledge for start-ups. It is also gratifying to know that our platform has been easy to implement in your everyday business expense management and that the transaction sync with QuickBooks has been seamless. We understand the importance of having instructional videos and will pass your feedback on to the appropriate department to consider adding how-to videos for reimbursements that do not sync with accounting software. Please continue to provide your feedback, as we value our users' suggestions when planning for the future of our software.

Kelsie P.
Finance Manager
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Was gefällt dir am besten BILL Spend & Expense (Formerly Divvy)?

I really enjoy how easy BILL makes things. From add people to budgets to auto categorizing expenses and pulling reports. They have definitely taken the pain out of my monthly accounting reports. Implementation and integration has been easy and the whole company uses it multiple times a day. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? BILL Spend & Expense (Formerly Divvy)?

Sometimes my purchases are flagged as fraud and it takes a phone call to BILL to clear the flag. I'd rather an auto text or email. The emails I've been receiving about it have been coming sometimes a week after the charge and / or always after I've already called in to let them know it is a legitimate charge. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was ist ein Problem? BILL Spend & Expense (Formerly Divvy) Solving und wie profitieren Sie davon?

Transaction management Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Antwort von Jenn J aus BILL Spend & Expense (Formerly Divvy)

Thank you for your beneficial feedback on our software, Kelsie! We are thrilled that Spend & Expense has made it easy to add people, budgets, auto-categorize expenses and pull reports. Also that implementation and integration have been easy. Our apologies for any delays in the emails for flagged purchases and we have passed on your idea of an auto text or email to clear the flagged item. Please continue to provide your feedback. We value our users' suggestions when planning the future of our software.

Executive Director
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Was gefällt dir am besten BILL Spend & Expense (Formerly Divvy)?

The app is super intuitive, and allows for a great transparent and quick process to track spending across multiple departments. Integrates with quickbooks enterprise easily, and allows many departments to have visibility and control over spending. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? BILL Spend & Expense (Formerly Divvy)?

The only criticism I have found is that sometimes the app doesn't like to load a long list of transactions, so I have to search instead of being able to scroll. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was ist ein Problem? BILL Spend & Expense (Formerly Divvy) Solving und wie profitieren Sie davon?

We were shuttling paper forms and receipts all around various departments for pay approvals on corporate card spends. This is now all in one place and with no paper, and the app makes communication from person to person easier. Fewer missing receipts too! Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Antwort von Jenn J aus BILL Spend & Expense (Formerly Divvy)

Thank you, Peter, for your exceptional review of BILL Spend & Expense! We are delighted that our app has been super intuitive, that you enjoy being able to track spending across multiple departments as well as integrating easily with QuickBooks Enterprise and allows visibility/control over spending by many departments. We apologize for the difficulty that you have had sometimes with loading a long list of transactions which then causes you to have to search instead of scrolling. We always want to hear what works and what will make your experience better.

Jeffrey S.
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Übersetzt mit KI
(Ursprünglich )Informationen
Was gefällt dir am besten BILL Spend & Expense (Formerly Divvy)?

Wie schnell Käufe zur Genehmigung gebucht werden. Die App ist praktisch und einfach für die Fotodokumentation. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? BILL Spend & Expense (Formerly Divvy)?

Während die meisten Daten mit Quickbooks Online synchronisiert werden, werden Rückerstattungen nicht synchronisiert. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was ist ein Problem? BILL Spend & Expense (Formerly Divvy) Solving und wie profitieren Sie davon?

Wir haben zuvor Prepaid-Geschenkkarten für Programmkäufe verwendet. Das Beschaffen von Papier für Buchhaltung und Aufbewahrung von Unterlagen war mühsam. Bill Spend und Expense haben die benötigte Zeit und Kommunikation erheblich reduziert. Das Personal reicht die Belege innerhalb von Tagen statt Wochen ein. Unser Außendienstpersonal muss keine Aufzeichnungen über Käufe führen, bevor sie eingereicht werden, jetzt reicht ein schnelles Foto mit der App und der Beleg wird eingereicht. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Antwort von Jenn J aus BILL Spend & Expense (Formerly Divvy)
(Ursprünglich )

Jeffrey, unser Dank für Ihre positive Bewertung von BILL Spend & Expense! Wir freuen uns, dass Sie es genießen, wie schnell Einkäufe zur Genehmigung gebucht werden und dass die App praktisch ist, was das Hochladen von Belegen erleichtert. Wir entschuldigen uns, dass Sie Schwierigkeiten mit der Synchronisierung von Rückerstattungen mit QBO hatten und haben unser Produktteam informiert.

Verifizierter Benutzer in Religious Institutions
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Was gefällt dir am besten BILL Spend & Expense (Formerly Divvy)?

BILL Spend & Expense is a game-changer for managing company expenses! It's incredibly easy to use, making the expense management process so much smoother. The intuitive interface allows for quick expense tracking, approval workflows, and real-time visibility into spending—all in one place.

The implementation process is easy and customer support is highly responsive if questions arise. The Quickbooks Online integration is easy to set up and works seamlessly. The platform streamlines expense management processes, saving a ton of time. Highly recommend it for businesses looking to simplify and improve their expense management! Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? BILL Spend & Expense (Formerly Divvy)?

The reward system is sometimes difficult for clients to understand. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was ist ein Problem? BILL Spend & Expense (Formerly Divvy) Solving und wie profitieren Sie davon?

BILL Spend & Expense is taking the manual process of collecting receipts and following up with staff for missing receipts. It saves me a ton of time. Receipts also sync to QBO so it saves me the manual time of attaching receipts to transactions. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Antwort von Jenn J aus BILL Spend & Expense (Formerly Divvy)

Thank you for your five-star review of BILL Spend & Expense! We are delighted that you have found our software easy to use, and that our intuitive interface allows for fast expense tracking, approval workflows, as well as real-time visibility into your spending all in one place. We also appreciate your positive feedback on our customer support, easy implementation, and seamless integration with QBO. Thank you for recommending us to other businesses. We apologize for any challenges your clients may have faced with understanding our rewards program. Your feedback is valuable to us as we strive to enhance your experience.

Verifizierter Benutzer in Chemicals
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Was gefällt dir am besten BILL Spend & Expense (Formerly Divvy)?

I like the layout and how easy it is to navigate through things once you have been trained. It's intuitive on the most part but there are features that you need to get training on. I do like the App availability as well so that you can approve and make changes on the go. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? BILL Spend & Expense (Formerly Divvy)?

The platform still lacks a lot of flexibility to meet our needs. Specifically reporting options could be more robust to cater to our needs. The App could be improved to access similar features to the web browser, for example notifications should be up to date and take you straight to requests, where on the App it seems to be stuck on some historical view and does not take you to the actual request. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was ist ein Problem? BILL Spend & Expense (Formerly Divvy) Solving und wie profitieren Sie davon?

It helps solve the users to stay within allocated budgets, and allow them to spend within the bounds provided. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Antwort von Jenn J aus BILL Spend & Expense (Formerly Divvy)

Thank you for your beneficial feedback on BILL Spend & Expense. We are happy that you like our layout, how easy it is to navigate, that it's intuitive, and that you are able to approve/make changes on the go using our app. We are sorry for any frustrations you have experienced with the lack of flexibility in our platform, such as needing more robust reports. We appreciate your thoughts on improvements the app needs and will let our team know. Please continue to provide your feedback. We value our users' suggestions when planning the future of our software.

Nichole A.
Finance Director
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Was gefällt dir am besten BILL Spend & Expense (Formerly Divvy)?

Divvy has been the biggest blessing to me as a financial director of a church! Divvy makes it so easy to manage budgets and review transactions! 10/10 recommend that you sign up for Divvy, I promise you won't regret it! Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? BILL Spend & Expense (Formerly Divvy)?

I dislike that not everyone uses Divvy! Everyone should have access to this! Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was ist ein Problem? BILL Spend & Expense (Formerly Divvy) Solving und wie profitieren Sie davon?

Bill is helping me solve the problem of needing to be everywhere and give my card to other employees when money needs to be spent. With bill, everyone has their own card and their budget manages their spending. So people aren't chasing me around to use my card but they have their own. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Antwort von Spencer White aus BILL Spend & Expense (Formerly Divvy)

Nichole, thank you for your five-star review. We are thrilled to hear that you find BILL Spend and Expense easy to use for managing budgets and reviewing transactions for your church. We are grateful for your recommendation to sign up with us and are glad our platform has had such a positive impact on you.

Please continue to provide your valuable feedback, as we highly value our users' suggestions when planning for the future of our software. Thank you for your continued trust and support.

Ryan G.
Executive Pastor
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Was gefällt dir am besten BILL Spend & Expense (Formerly Divvy)?

Spend and Expense makes it extremely easy for us to track and approve expenditures. The budgets feature is very helpful and the flexibility of having as many virtual cards as you need makes for the most useable expense system we have used. The rewards are great as well. The team makes it easy to implement and the ongoing support has been great. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? BILL Spend & Expense (Formerly Divvy)?

To be quite honest, we haven't run into any downsides for our use case. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was ist ein Problem? BILL Spend & Expense (Formerly Divvy) Solving und wie profitieren Sie davon?

Bill works seamlessly with our other accounting software which makes all of our spend, expense, and reconciling processes so much easier and has saved countless hours compared to others. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Antwort von Spencer White aus BILL Spend & Expense (Formerly Divvy)

Thank you, Ryan, for taking the time to provide us with your positive review. We are pleased to hear that BILL Spend and Expense has made it easy for you to track and approve your expenses within your company, and that the budget options have provided you with the flexibility of having multiple virtual cards. It’s great to know you are benefiting from the rewards program.

We genuinely appreciate your feedback, as it is invaluable to us in our continuous efforts to improve our services. Thank you for your continued support and trust in our platform.

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Was gefällt dir am besten BILL Spend & Expense (Formerly Divvy)?

It's integration into our QuickBooks Online is seamless. I've had issues with other third party platforms, and we have hundreds of projects ongoing and being added constantly and it works well with it all Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? BILL Spend & Expense (Formerly Divvy)?

When you pay a bill that is in QBO it marks the payment in BILL as an expense instead of a Bill payment, but it's a small nuance that I'm okay with dealing with to capture the costs for all our projects and employees in one platform that integrates with QBO properly. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was ist ein Problem? BILL Spend & Expense (Formerly Divvy) Solving und wie profitieren Sie davon?

Access to a charge card platform that integrates with our QBO seamlessly and saves us hours of manual entry Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Antwort von Jenn J aus BILL Spend & Expense (Formerly Divvy)

Thank you, Chris, for your phenomenal review of BILL Spend & Expense! We're delighted that the integration with QuickBooks has been seamless with continuously projects getting added all the time and it working with all of it. We appreciate you letting us know about it marking payments as expenses in QBO instead of BILL payments and have let our team know. Customer feedback is valuable to us as we like to hear about what works well for our customers and what needs improvement.