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Web Portal

von Michael Pigott
A web portal is an online platform that gathers data across several inputs and consolidates them into a single access point. Learn more about the types of web portals and how organizations can utilize them.

What is a web portal?

A web portal is a web-based platform that collects information from several different sources and streamlines them into a single access point for information. This allows users to receive relevant information personalized to the user’s unique needs. 

There are several different use cases for web portals, across industries and departments. Depending on the type of web portal, organizations can share information with employees, establish customer relationships, and more. Web portals are becoming increasingly common, as they are easy to use and aid both external and internal users. 

Before implementing web portals, it’s important to consider the current technology infrastructure of the organization, as well as company-wide goals. If implemented and utilized properly, web portals can encourage engagement, collaboration, and communication. 

Web portals should not be confused with portals software, a development tool. Developers utilize portals software to help design and build web portals. 

Types of web portals

There is a wide variety of use cases for web portals depending on the industry. Examples of different types of web portals include: 

  • Intranet portal: Intranet portals serve as an entry point to access external apps or information employees within an organization may need. This aids organizations in managing data, information, and applications, and can be personalized to each individual employee’s needs. 
  • Customer portal: A customer portal is an interface that provides customers with complete visibility into their history and interactions with the organization. Benefits of customer portals include tracking key metrics, requests, and sharing documents. 
  • Human resource (HR) portal: The HR portal, is an internal gateway that allows employees to access HR-related information. HR portals are often self service, allowing employees to select through different HR features such as time-off requests, document signing, and addressing coverage gaps. 
  • Sales portal: A sales portal is a digital interface that contains information and tools that are helpful to sales teams. The portal can be a repository of key information about a company’s sales targets and active customers. This keeps sales representatives informed, and hence, more likely to close deals. 
  • Project management portal: A project management portal helps teams track all stages and tasks of a given project. Benefits of project management portal software include collaborating on tasks, sharing documents, and keeping all members of the project team informed of progress.

Benefits of using a web portal

There is a wide range of benefits stemming from web portals. Some of these include: 

  • Engagement or interaction: Portals make it easier for customers, employees, or both to solve problems and find the information they need. This can ultimately make customers and employees more loyal to a given company. 
  • Collaboration: Portals help the flow of information across departments, teams, and individual employees. This simplified communication process helps teams who rarely work together to come together and collaborate with ease. 
  • Customization: Web portals are often customized to an individual’s unique needs. This personalized approach makes customers or employees feel heard, as well as able to solve problems on their own. 
  • Single platform: By adopting web portals, customers and employees no longer have to search through different sites and information systems to locate a particular app they want to use. Instead, individuals will be able to simply go to the web portal, and find everything they need from there. 
  • Aiding IT: Customers are not the only ones who benefit from having access to data, apps, and information all stored in one place. Web portals can make it easier for IT to locate and fix specific applications that may be down or experiencing technical issues. 

Web portal best practices

To get the most value out of web portals, companies should follow these best practices:

  • Gather data: Businesses should start by developing an understanding of what users are most likely to need or be looking for when accessing the web portal. This can be done by asking users, conducting market research, and creating surveys to better understand what users are looking for. 
  • Have a goal in mind: Companies should have a clear outcome in mind when it comes to measuring the success of a web portal. Organizations should consider questions such as: what department would a web portal fall under, what metrics of success should be reached, and how it helps customers meet their needs.
  • Consider technical aspects: Companies should consider the best ways to set up and utilize web portals ahead of time to protect users and the company. Ensuring basic data security, platform requirements, and deployment methods are all critical steps to take ahead of time before implementing the portal. 

Web portal vs. portals software

While web portals are web-based platforms that collect information into a single access point, portals software is used to help create web portals. Portals software is the development tool that aids in the creation of the single access point on which web portals are based on. 

Michael Pigott

Michael Pigott

Michael is a Market Research Analyst at G2 with a focus on technology research. Prior to G2, Michael worked at a B2B marketing services organization, where he assisted tech vendors with market assessments and competitive positioning. In his free time, Michael enjoys traveling, watching sports, and playing live shows as a drummer.

Web Portal Software

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Zoho Desk zieht alle Ihre Kundeninteraktionen aus verschiedenen Kanälen in eine einzige, übersichtliche Oberfläche. Sie können dann nahtlos diese Gespräche fortsetzen und Kunden problemlos helfen.

Mit Microsoft OneDrive können Sie jede Datei auf Ihrem SkyDrive speichern, und sie ist automatisch von Ihrem Telefon und Ihren Computern aus verfügbar. Kein Synchronisieren oder Kabel erforderlich.

Automation Anywhere Enterprise ist eine RPA-Plattform, die für das digitale Unternehmen konzipiert ist.

Die Nextiva-Technologieplattform ist eine hochmoderne Telekommunikationsinfrastruktur, die es den Mitarbeitern eines Unternehmens ermöglicht, ihr Geschäft von überall aus zu führen.

Die Plattform von GoTo Connect umfasst unsere preisgekrönten, erstklassigen Produkte wie unsere UCaaS-Lösung und Telefonsystem, Kundenbindungstools und mehrere Contact-Center-Funktionen sowie leistungsstarke Add-ons und Integrationen mit Ihren kritischen Geschäftsanwendungen wie MS Teams, Salesforce, Zendesk und Gmail. Seit über zwei Jahrzehnten haben wir Zehntausenden von Unternehmen geholfen, ihr Geschäft zu erweitern, indem wir Folgendes angeboten haben: • Ein preisgekröntes Cloud-Telefonsystem mit Hunderten von Funktionen auf Unternehmensniveau (ohne den Preis eines Unternehmens) • KI-gestützte Contact-Center- und Kundenbindungstools • Super einfache Einrichtung, mit einem Verwaltungssystem, das bemerkenswert einfach zu handhaben ist • Ein einzigartiger visueller Wählplan-Editor, Softphone-Funktionalität und erweiterte Berichterstattung • 99,999% Betriebszeit und erstklassiger 24/7-Kundenservice

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UiPath ermöglicht es Geschäftsanwendern ohne Programmierkenntnisse, Robotic Process Automation zu entwerfen und auszuführen.

EMnify hilft, M2M- und IoT-Geräte und -Dienste weltweit zu verbinden, zu verwalten und zu steuern.

Dropbox ermöglicht es Ihnen, alle Ihre Dateien und Fotos an einem organisierten Ort zu speichern und darauf zuzugreifen und sie mit jedem zu teilen. Egal, ob Sie ein Einzelunternehmen führen oder ein großes, komplexes Team leiten, Dropbox hilft Ihrem Arbeitsablauf, besser zu funktionieren.

Webroot SecureAnywhere Business Endpoint Protection bietet einen revolutionären Ansatz zum Schutz vor Malware.

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Bandwidth ist eine Kommunikationsplattform mit grenzenloser Flexibilität. Sie benötigen Integrationen, Unternehmens-APIs für Sprache, SMS und mehr sowie Tools, um Ihren Kommunikations-Stack intelligent zu verwalten. Wir sind dort offen, wo Sie es am meisten brauchen, mit Optionen und Kontrolle. In Kombination mit unserem globalen Netzwerk, das direkt dort verbunden ist, wo es am wichtigsten ist, erhalten Sie unvergleichliche Zuverlässigkeit. Näher an Ihre Kunden heranbringen. Skalierung, wohin auch immer Ihr Geschäft Sie führt.

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