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von Alexandra Vazquez
Gamification is when companies use game-style mechanics to incentivize engagement. Learn more about the types of gamification and its benefits.

What is gamification?

Gamification is the process of using game-style mechanics and elements to incentivize employee engagement. Gamification uses gaming dynamics to provide audiences with tasks to complete with the ultimate goal of receiving a reward. Businesses implement gamification to entice employees and customers to engage in a fun and informal way. 

Gamification can be used for different purposes and in different environments, such as sales, marketing, and education. It helps fulfill major company needs like customer participation and brand awareness. The insightful data from gamification is used to modify marketing campaigns, adjust performance goals, and understand market behavior.

Companies use gamification software to automate the creation of these games. Gamification solutions are customizable, and can display private and public leaderboards, track game data, allocate rewards and prizes, and provide game analytics. Gamification platforms can also be integrated with other tools like employee engagement software.

Benefits of gamification

No matter how a company chooses to approach gamification, it will reap the benefits of diversifying how they share information. The list below shows exactly what gamification can help a company do.

  • Distribute information in an entertaining way. Suppose a company needs to introduce a new product or update employees on new policies. In this case, gamification can spread that important information in a way that will surely keep employees’ attention. Some companies integrate microlearning platforms to deliver short bursts of content that fit into the daily workflow.
  • Create healthy competition. Gamification can be used to reward those who exhibit excellent performance or those who can flex their company knowledge. Sales gamification software automates these friendly competitions, gathers success metrics, and displays rankings all in one place.
  • Optimize onboarding. The first day at a new job can be lengthy and strenuous. Gamification makes a long day of training more interesting and easier to digest.
  • Encourage team building. Gamification promotes collaboration across different teams by providing a shared goal.
  • Engage customers. Companies also use gamification externally. This is done by implementing gaming elements into pitches and information shares.
  • Generate curiosity. Gamification is common but still very unique due to the ability to customize its elements. Making users guess what happens next, learn how to play, and work towards a goal sets companies apart from those simply offering information.
  • Have some fun. Companies shouldn't be scared to loosen up. Gamification can help employees destress and improve morale.

Examples of game mechanics

Game mechanics are the fundamental elements used to gamify information. They set the foundation for how the game will operate, what needs to be done to prepare the game beforehand, and why users will want to play. Not all gamification examples will include every game mechanic, but incorporating more will ensure that the game remains interactive and worthwhile.

Mechanics used to build a gamification strategy:

  • Goals: Tasks that must be completed in order to receive an award
  • Education: Information given to users that they will be quizzed on
  • Teams: Groups interacting to problem-solve
  • Status: Leaderboards to boost competitive spirit
  • Progress bars: A visual indication of completion
  • Scoring: A clear points system
  • Levels: A point threshold that unlocks content as the user plays
  • Rewards: Incentive for users to go through the process with effort

Types of gamification

There are two different ways to approach gamification. However, both of these gamification techniques are very efficient and offer information in a unique way using game mechanics.

Structural gamification

Structural gamification applies game elements to entice the user to move through information quickly while earning rewards along the way. In this type of gamification, the actual content isn’t manipulated, and the gaming mechanics are simply built around the main information being learned. The content and gameplay never intertwine and are created separately. 

An example of structural gamification is a progress bar at the front of a classroom that indicates when students complete the week’s classwork quickly and efficiently, working toward the ultimate reward of a pizza party. 

Structural gamification elements:

  • Clear goals and progress bars tell the user how they are advancing.
  • Time limits keep users focused and moving quickly.
  • Competitive features, like leaderboards, motivate users to try their best.
  • Levels with unlockable content keep users on their toes.
  • Rewards help users stay motivated.

Content gamification

Content gamification applies game elements directly to the information itself. This is done by making the content more interactive and visually stimulating. It requires a bit more effort than structural gamification because extensive creativity is needed to make the information interesting and playable.

Content gamification relies on storytelling and challenges to add the gaming element. An example of content gamification is adding a mascot or animation to a presentation that narrates the slides and quizzes the audience along the way.

Content gamification elements:

  • Unique text that explains the subject matter and further engages users.
  • Storytelling builds a creative environment for gamification.
  • Randomized tasks keep everything more active.
  • Quick thinking gameplay keeps the pace moving at all times.
  • Design features that boost the way the game looks and feels.

Gamification use cases

Gamification can be implemented in many ways to capture an audience's attention and share information in new and fun ways. It’s most popular among corporations, educational institutions, and e-learning spaces. 

Gamification has many different uses in organizations alone. Businesses use it to engage their employees and customers to process information that is otherwise difficult to soak in.

Companies incorporate elements of gamification into:

  • Recruitment
  • Training and onboarding
  • Product launches
  • Marketing
  • Loyalty programs
  • Updating company procedures 
  • Employee evaluations
  • Team building

Gamification best practices

Creating a gamification strategy is not easy. The line between gamification that works and gamification that doesn’t is very thin. The best practices below highlight things companies should keep in mind as they develop a successful gamification approach.

  • Clarify success. Users will be more willing to engage if they know they can win. Companies should take the time to describe the game in detail and explain what a “winner” looks like.
  • Keep it simple. If the game description leaves users with many questions, it’s probably too complicated. Companies should ensure the game is challenging but easy to play.
  • Create enticing content. The games can only be as interesting as the content. Create content that will keep an audience interested, even without gamification. Gamification should be used to enhance the user’s experience.
  • Start early. Gamification is a very extensive process, so if a company plans to implement it, they should start now.
  • Make it worthwhile. A reward system in gamification is a must, but is it worth playing the game if the prize isn’t good? Companies should ensure that the gold at the end of the rainbow is worth playing for.
  • Ask for feedback. The best thing about gamification is that it’s entirely customizable. Companies should welcome feedback and adapt their games to their audiences. 
Alexandra Vazquez

Alexandra Vazquez

Alexandra Vazquez is a Senior Content Marketing Specialist at G2. She received her Business Administration degree from Florida International University and is a published playwright. Alexandra's expertise lies in writing for the Supply Chain and Commerce personas, with articles focusing on topics such as demand planning, inventory management, consumer behavior, and business forecasting. In her spare time, she enjoys collecting board games, playing karaoke, and watching trashy reality TV.

Gamification Software

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