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Bandwidth Usage

von Brittany K. King
Bandwidth usage refers to the rate at which data transfers between devices or across a network. Learn how monitoring bandwidth usage can increase network speed and dependency.

What is bandwidth usage?

Bandwidth usage refers to a computer network’s capacity to transfer data between devices or over the internet in a specific amount of time. Put simply, bandwidth is the maximum rate of data transfer across any given path. 

The best way to understand how bandwidth works is to compare it to motor vehicle traffic. If the network is a road, then the bandwidth is the number of lanes on that road. Roads with an adequate number of lanes and enough capacity (or wide bandwidth) allow traffic to flow quickly with little to no blockage. But when too many cars are on the road with not enough lanes (or high bandwidth usage), the result is slow-moving traffic. 

The same logic applies to network bandwidth. Slow data transfer occurs when too many people are using too much data on a single network. This is why public internet connections are often slow. 

Bandwidth, however, is not synonymous with or a measure of internet speed. Networks with wider bandwidths allow faster data transfer and connect more devices at once. This type of high-speed internet connection is known as broadband.

How does bandwidth work?

High bandwidth usage affects the speed at which users can upload or download files and media. Upload speed is the rate at which data is transferred to a destination and the download speed at which data is received.

While broadband measures the speed at which users can upload or download data online, typically measured in megabits per second, bandwidth measures the data transfer rate in bits per second. Therefore, high-speed broadband internet has wide bandwidth capabilities but not high bandwidth usage. 

Too much bandwidth usage can have multiple negative effects on a network, including poor site performance and slow upload and download speeds. Network monitoring software can be used to examine a network’s overall performance by detecting these issues and suggesting improvements.  

Online activities that use the most bandwidth

The number of network users is not the only factor that contributes to high bandwidth usage. In fact, the activities a user engages in online can heavily impact that network’s bandwidth and, ultimately, broadband speed. 

Various factors lead to high bandwidth usage, slower speeds, and substandard performance, including: 

  • Streaming music
  • Streaming videos
  • Video conferencing 
  • Email and messaging apps
  • Multiplayer gaming 
  • Connecting to smart speakers and phones

Why is bandwidth important?

Networks with high bandwidth can increase high-speed broadband internet speeds. But if bandwidth usage is too high, the network speed will drop significantly. Slow upload and download speeds can negatively impact those who depend on the internet for a multitude of reasons. 

Low bandwidth can be detrimental to modern-day business operations. Companies rely on the internet to access essential platforms that store sensitive information and keep operations running smoothly. 

This means that bandwidth usage and capacity is a major consideration for business networks. Companies must ensure their IT infrastructure can support bandwidth usage for the entire organization. 

Companies depend on wide bandwidth for:

  • Website functionality 
  • Business expansion 
  • Technology adoption 
  • Employee productivity 
  • Efficient business processes
  • Mitigated system crashes 

Types of bandwidth

There are different types of bandwidth that support faster or slower data transfer rates in both directions. The two main types of bandwidth are symmetric and asymmetric. 

While most internet users want fast speeds, the type of bandwidth that should be used depends on factors such as cost, file transfer needs, and whether the network is private or public. 

Symmetric Bandwidth

Symmetric bandwidth is when the data and file transfer rate is of the same volume and speed between two places in both directions. This means that the capacity to upload and download data is the same. 

Since data transfer rates are equal in both directions, symmetric bandwidth can support larger file-sharing at a faster rate and help eliminate internet bottlenecks. Symmetric bandwidth is ideal for remote workers and mid to large-sized corporations. 

Symmetric bandwidth connections are beneficial for people or businesses that:

  • Video conference 
  • Have multiple VPN users
  • Access cloud-based software 
  • Utilize collaborative tools, such as UCaaS
  • Transfer files and data to the cloud
  • Need fast upload and download speeds 
  • Require reliable connections 

Asymmetric Bandwidth

Asymmetric bandwidth, on the other hand, is when the data transfer rate is not the same in both directions. This means that upstream data transfer (or download speed) is lower than the downstream data transfer (or upload speed). 

Upstream data transfer with asymmetric bandwidth is faster because of how common downloading files and media is compared to uploads. Traditional at-home digital subscriber lines (DSLs), for example, support high download speeds but often experience slow upload speeds. Asymmetric bandwidth works well for individuals who only browse the internet and small businesses with few employees. 

Asymmetric bandwidth is beneficial for people or businesses that need the following:

  • Public network support 
  • Lower network costs 
  • Fast download speeds 
  • Internet connection for web browsing 
  • A single location that is not part of a larger network 

How to monitor bandwidth usage 

There are various ways to monitor bandwidth usage across devices. For example, major cell phone providers show customers how much network data they have used within a billing cycle. This helps customers determine the amount of bandwidth they need each month. 

For organizations with hundreds or thousands of users on a single network, monitoring bandwidth usage is imperative. Companies and large organizations must monitor how much bandwidth is required for everyday operations by implementing tools and analyzing the metrics to help predict future bandwidth usage.  

Bandwidth usage can be monitored in the following ways: 

  • Network monitoring software: These third-party programs can monitor and evaluate network bandwidth usage. Some programs can even identify which devices consume the most bandwidth. 
  • Firewall applications: These apps control traffic coming to and from specific systems and applications. Firewall software determines if communications between apps should be blocked or allowed. 
  • ISP web portals: Most internet service providers (ISPs) share monthly bandwidth usage information with customers via their account portals. For those concerned with monitoring data at home, an ISP’s data is the most accurate way to check bandwidth usage. 
  • Routers: Some tools only evaluate a specific device’s bandwidth usage. Routers, however, can display the amount of data coming in and going out of a network based on the various devices connected to that router. 

Best practices for monitoring bandwidth usage

Users can take many proactive measures to monitor bandwidth usage and ensure a safe, well-functioning network. Whether for speed or efficiency, knowing how to check bandwidth usage can help an organization improve its network performance. 

High bandwidth usage and low network speeds can hinder one’s ability to perform critical tasks online. Individuals and businesses can monitor bandwidth usage by following these best practices: 

  • Install and analyze bandwidth usage systems or apps 
  • Alert network users of high bandwidth usage 
  • Watch for malware that can use a lot of bandwidth and ultimately destroy a network
  • Mitigate the use of high bandwidth apps and programs by restricting or limiting access 
Brittany K. King

Brittany K. King

Brittany K. King is a Content Marketing Manager at G2. She received her BA in English Language & Literature with a concentration in Writing from Pace University. Brittany’s expertise is in supporting G2 products and sellers, focusing specifically on Buyer Intent data and Review Generation. After 5pm, you can find Brittany listening to her extensive record collection, hanging with her dog and cats, or booking her next vacation.

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