Linx abstracts programming concepts so our tools naturally work like common programming tools. The Linx Designer is an IDE that allows you to program and debug at a higher level and saves the program specification to files deployed to one or more Linx Servers to run the application.
Building solutions in Linx should be no different to how you would do it with low-level programming, it’s just with bigger pieces, more visual help and lots of ready-made functionality available on the server-side.
A common concern for programmers considering low-code tools is the lack of flexibility. Most low-code tools are based on a workflow paradigm. Linx differs by following a programming paradigm, making it more of an all-rounder and easy for developers and IT professionals to pick up.
The use of a programming abstraction makes Linx extremely powerful. It is not constrained by a domain or use-case-driven paradigm and is often used in conjunction with other low-code tools to provide the API or integration services that those tools are not designed for.
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Linx ist die flexibelste iPaaS auf dem Markt. Seine programmierähnliche Anpassung gibt Ihnen die Freiheit, genau das zu erstellen, was Sie benötigen - von einfachen Verbindungen bis hin zu anspruchsvo
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