Is there a way of having a centralized media transcoding plugin?
I was wondering if there is a way to replicate what handbrake does through a plugin through the server where you upload a video file And the father is transported and saved on the shared pool That way I can transcode my YouTube videos and save them immediately to the server for a fraction of the size without having to go through the hassle of transcoding them on my own PC and then copying them back to the centralized server and then deleting the original Also it could be a very good way of shrinking the storage that is being wasted on the server for example a 1GB YouTube video can be shrunk to anywhere between 500 to 700 MBS and since I have a lot of videos stored on the server that percentage could help me optimize my storage and add more videos if I wanted to or use it for anything else Additionally I think that the plug-in section of freenas could use a little bit of a refresh and it would be nice to see more creative ways of adding plugins
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