Rob M.
Business Development Representative at Blue Prism

I wish there was a way to sort leads by who has opened an email in the "people" section, in addition to being able to view and compare cadences side by side for percentages and have SalesLoft make recommendations for a better cadence. I wish the cadence would keep the lead there once the cadence is finished running. To remedy the issue, I put a blank step below my cadences as a "HOLD" for any leads that run through. Another issue that arises is that if you forget to add the hold step, you cannot sort the leads by "all" afterwards and see what cadence they have run through unlesws you have a tag underneath them.

I wish there was a way to sort leads by who has opened an email in the "people" section, in addition to being able to view and compare cadences side by side for percentages and have SalesLoft make recommendations for a better cadence. I wish the cadence would keep the lead there once the cadence is finished running. To remedy the issue, I put a blank step below my cadences as a "HOLD" for any leads that run through. Another issue that arises is that if you forget to add the hold step, you cannot sort the leads by "all" afterwards and see what cadence they have run through unlesws you have a tag underneath them.
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Kate W.
Marketing Coordinator
Hallo Rob! Danke, dass du dir die Zeit genommen hast, eine Bewertung zu hinterlassen. Ich habe dein Feedback weitergegeben. Würde es helfen, das Problem zu lösen, nicht zu wissen, welche Kontakte durch deine Kadenz gelaufen sind, wenn du den Abschnitt "abgeschlossen" im Personen-Tab deiner Kadenz ansiehst? Während es keine In-App-Empfehlungen für eine bessere Kadenz gibt, kannst du In-App-Analysen nutzen, um zu sehen, zu welchen Zeiten es am besten ist, eine E-Mail zu senden oder einen Anruf zu tätigen. Du kannst auch die SalesLoft University besuchen, die viele Inhalte und Tipps zu den besten Praktiken für Kadenzen bietet: Danke, Kate
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