I like Keynote because it is very easy and user friendly. Easy interface to understand and work with.
It makes file sizes much too large, seems like it should be improved.
Besonders wenn Sie an einem Deck kollaborativ arbeiten, gibt es kein besseres Produkt. Die Zeiten, in denen man stundenlang PowerPoint-Screenshots hin- und herschickte, hätten vor 5 Jahren vorbei sein sollen. Aber endlich sind wir hier. Folien aufzuteilen...
Pitch just doesn't have the ease of use that Powerpoint/Google Slides has. Basic formatting is harder, takes longer and has fewer options. I'm unclear whether it's by design or a long term bug, but the text formatting options you want (resize, add...
I like Keynote because it is very easy and user friendly. Easy interface to understand and work with.
Besonders wenn Sie an einem Deck kollaborativ arbeiten, gibt es kein besseres Produkt. Die Zeiten, in denen man stundenlang PowerPoint-Screenshots hin- und herschickte, hätten vor 5 Jahren vorbei sein sollen. Aber endlich sind wir hier. Folien aufzuteilen...
It makes file sizes much too large, seems like it should be improved.
Pitch just doesn't have the ease of use that Powerpoint/Google Slides has. Basic formatting is harder, takes longer and has fewer options. I'm unclear whether it's by design or a long term bug, but the text formatting options you want (resize, add...