Bei der Bewertung der beiden Lösungen fanden Rezensenten Limelight einfacher zu verwenden. Jedoch ist Fathom einfacher einzurichten und zu verwalten. Rezensenten bevorzugten es auch, Geschäfte mit Fathom zu machen.
Reporting tools in the form of graphs and the ability to add notes and comments
The front end work to get it setup and work well takes a bit of time.
Limelight-Software hat uns geholfen, unseren Planungs-/Prognoseprozess zu optimieren, und dynamische Berichterstattung hat zur Effizienzsteigerung beigetragen und mehr Zeit für Analysen ermöglicht.
Nothing of great concern to note. We had some hiccups along the way with some data stability, but nothing that was totally unexpected in hindsight given this was a completely new implementation and all issues were addressed and resolved promptly.
Reporting tools in the form of graphs and the ability to add notes and comments
Limelight-Software hat uns geholfen, unseren Planungs-/Prognoseprozess zu optimieren, und dynamische Berichterstattung hat zur Effizienzsteigerung beigetragen und mehr Zeit für Analysen ermöglicht.
The front end work to get it setup and work well takes a bit of time.
Nothing of great concern to note. We had some hiccups along the way with some data stability, but nothing that was totally unexpected in hindsight given this was a completely new implementation and all issues were addressed and resolved promptly.