With the turbulence of summer 2022, organizations must be ready to face a unique set of challenges that continue to impact the global market. While the initial shock of COVID-19 may have passed, issues related to the virus remain. The global supply chain is struggling to manage inventory and meet consumer expectations for delivery time and service. Inflation has hit record highs, and the US economy has shown signs of slowing down.
If these challenges were not enough, companies must also consider another: turnover. On the one hand, businesses have begun to lay off employees. On the other hand, the ramifications of the “great resignation” still exist. Many employees continue to look for new opportunities and different places of work. Combined, high turnover could very well be the new normal of the summer of 2022.
The solution to IT employee turnover
Like any other department, IT teams continue to be impacted by high turnover rates. Regardless of what happens with the economy, the demand for data scientists and highly skilled developers isn’t going away any time soon. This means that companies may struggle to retain highly experienced tech workers even if their organization is not having layoffs. If hiring and retaining data scientists remains difficult, companies may need additional support from other sources. One of these potential directions could be low-code development platforms and no-code development platforms.
Low-code and no-code development tools allow users with limited to no background in programming to create, develop, and edit software.
Low-code development tools enable companies to develop software even if employees have limited coding experience.
No-code development tools offer companies a means to develop software quickly without coding at all. These platforms provide capabilities such as drag and drop to rapidly create and design applications.
No-code development, in particular, could play a key role, as these tools do not require developers to be involved. If IT teams continue to struggle to attract and retain developers, these tools could quickly become critical investments. No-code development tools empower business users to make changes independently and help the developers and data scientists who remain on the team manage their busy workloads. These tools can also shift the bulk of coding away from developers, freeing their time to work on more critical projects and creative challenges.
Read more: Low-Code Development Platforms: Understanding Personas Amid Popularity Surge → |
What users like about no-code development platforms
Two major themes emerged in the past year when reviewers on G2 were asked what they liked about no-code development platforms. The top two answers were usability or ease and automation, which tie well into what businesses need in this difficult turnover period.
A tool that’s easy to adopt and utilize will be crucial for companies. When trained IT professionals and developers leave the organization, companies may be forced to start preparing business users to pull data independently. A tool that’s easy to adopt will benefit employees new to the world of data and analytics as well as developers by alleviating their burden. Thanks to automation, business users sometimes may not even have to pull data on their own. One of the key benefits of no-code automation is that these tools can often locate data and display it in a chart or graph without employee involvement. This not only saves time but can avoid potential mistakes made by business users new to the data and analytics space.
Looking forward
As inflation, supply chain logistics, and global events continue to impact economic markets, businesses should consider investing in no-code development platforms. As employees continue to exit organizations due to the combination of corporate downsizing and the great resignation, companies should have a plan in place to keep business running smoothly. Adopting no-code development platforms allows businesses to keep their IT departments operating efficiently, even with potentially less human capital.
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Michael Pigott
Michael is a Market Research Analyst at G2 with a focus on technology research. Prior to G2, Michael worked at a B2B marketing services organization, where he assisted tech vendors with market assessments and competitive positioning. In his free time, Michael enjoys traveling, watching sports, and playing live shows as a drummer.