Love the trackball. Also able to mess with a triangular mesh with ease.
I have found that at times the program has issues when it is trying to rebuild a model. But other then that small hicup not much.
The fact that you can convert any kind of mesh into “solid” is one of the best feature of this software. It really helps you out in 3D printing applications. Also, the possibility to auto orient the model on the build plate in order to optimize supports...
Sometimes i cannot open large size.STL files. Even if it opens the processing is too difficult.
Love the trackball. Also able to mess with a triangular mesh with ease.
The fact that you can convert any kind of mesh into “solid” is one of the best feature of this software. It really helps you out in 3D printing applications. Also, the possibility to auto orient the model on the build plate in order to optimize supports...
I have found that at times the program has issues when it is trying to rebuild a model. But other then that small hicup not much.
Sometimes i cannot open large size.STL files. Even if it opens the processing is too difficult.