Guice is the best di library to grasp concepts about inversion of control and dependency injection; other libraries (ie spring) relays heavily on annotations hidding much of the di concepts under cryptic annotations. Guice is mostly declarative and code is...
For most of the use cases, I'd prefer spring which is a much more robust and complete framework.
It really helps me focus on my business features instead of worrying about configuration, boilerplate code and thinks like those. It can be integrated with almost any technology I usually use: relational database, mongoDB, redis, JMS, etc... Moreover...
could not install new version on sts4, on my mac, there is no intelij plugin. For library like this, simple installation process should be mandatory.
Guice is the best di library to grasp concepts about inversion of control and dependency injection; other libraries (ie spring) relays heavily on annotations hidding much of the di concepts under cryptic annotations. Guice is mostly declarative and code is...
It really helps me focus on my business features instead of worrying about configuration, boilerplate code and thinks like those. It can be integrated with almost any technology I usually use: relational database, mongoDB, redis, JMS, etc... Moreover...
For most of the use cases, I'd prefer spring which is a much more robust and complete framework.
could not install new version on sts4, on my mac, there is no intelij plugin. For library like this, simple installation process should be mandatory.