Make and Makefiles are the historical build system for Unix. Because it is open to any build tool, it is still a relevant standard today. However, to much boilerplate is needed, and Automake, a translator for extended Makefiles, takes care of this. Since...
I dont have anything to say I dislike as I am still learning to use the tool
I always works as advertised, and there is a tremendous amount of community knowledge about its characteristics and idiosyncrasies.
Documentation is cumbersome and advanced features are plentiful, making it even more of a pain to optimize and efficiently use make.
Make and Makefiles are the historical build system for Unix. Because it is open to any build tool, it is still a relevant standard today. However, to much boilerplate is needed, and Automake, a translator for extended Makefiles, takes care of this. Since...
I always works as advertised, and there is a tremendous amount of community knowledge about its characteristics and idiosyncrasies.
I dont have anything to say I dislike as I am still learning to use the tool
Documentation is cumbersome and advanced features are plentiful, making it even more of a pain to optimize and efficiently use make.