The promtness that the git guardian is when its connected to github
Detection could still be improved. Adding something like const dbPassword = '#H96369Sjrs2' was not caught by ggshield.
Free access to open source repos. Free, easy collaboration with developers in amateur settings. Powerful, inexpensive collaboration in professional settings. The Octo-Kitty is pretty great. We integrate with Slack, Jira, and Heroku. At this point pretty...
Custom support is terrible. They are very slow to reply, even if you are in a crisis. I'm at BRT and they put me someone at Sydney to help me, for god sake. It takes a day for someone to read what you sent. Adding users when you're an enterprise client is...
The promtness that the git guardian is when its connected to github
Free access to open source repos. Free, easy collaboration with developers in amateur settings. Powerful, inexpensive collaboration in professional settings. The Octo-Kitty is pretty great. We integrate with Slack, Jira, and Heroku. At this point pretty...
Detection could still be improved. Adding something like const dbPassword = '#H96369Sjrs2' was not caught by ggshield.
Custom support is terrible. They are very slow to reply, even if you are in a crisis. I'm at BRT and they put me someone at Sydney to help me, for god sake. It takes a day for someone to read what you sent. Adding users when you're an enterprise client is...